faq.xml   [plain text]

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<!DOCTYPE faqs PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD FAQ V1.2//EN" "dtd/faq-v12.dtd">

<faqs title="Frequently Asked Questions">
    <part id="general">

        <faq id="name">
                What does blojsom stand for?
                    blojsom is an acronym for (blo)gging in (j)ava ... (so)mewhat ... (m)aybe.
                    I was looking for a way to play off the name,
                    <link href="http://www.raelity.org/apps/blosxom">blosxom</link>, blojsom's not-so-distant "relative",
                    and blojsom stuck.

        <faq id="pronounce">
                How do you pronounce blojsom?
                    Phonetically, I guess it would be bloj-sum.

        <faq id="capital">
                Is it Blojsom or blojsom?

        <faq id="multiuser">
                Can blojsom support more than one user with a single blojsom installation?
                    Yes. As of blojsom 2.0, blojsom is multi-user enabled.

        <faq id="firstpost">
                How do I create my first blog entry?
                    blojsom renders your blog based on what files it finds in the directory you set as your
                    <em>blog-home</em> (see
                    <link href="site:installation">installation</link>). In this directory, each
                    individual file is treated as a seperate blog entry. You can control which files are processed
                    and which are ignored using the
                    <em>blog-file-extentions</em> and
                    entries in

        <faq id="categories">
                How do I create different blog categories?
                    All you have to do is simply create new directories underneath your
                    directory and blojsom will automatically recognize them as categories. You can further
                    control the categories using optional meta-data, an example is a more descriptive name for
                    the category. See
                    <link href="site:customization">customization</link> for more details.

        <faq id="database">
                Does blojsom require a database?
                    No! This is contrary to the original zen and philosophy of blojsom's "relative" blosxom.
                    blojsom uses the file system (folders and files) as its content database.

        <faq id="artwork">
                Who did the artwork and images?
                    Mark Pierce over at
                    <link href="http://www.omnimondo.com">Omnimodo</link>.

        <faq id="windows">
                Any special instructions for running blojsom under Windows?
                    Paths such as the <code>blog-home</code> parameter in your individual <code>/WEB-INF/(user-id)/blog.properties</code>
                    file should use '/' instead of '\'. For example:
    <part id="moblogging">

        <faq id="mob">
                I hear a lot about moblogging ... is it supported in any way by blojsom?
                    Yes. Well, there are different ways to support moblogging and with blojsom, you can use
                    <link href="http://blojsim.sf.net">blojsim</link>, an instant messenger add-on for blojsom to blog
                    via AIM, Jabber, or MSN.
                    You may also download the <link href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/pop2blog">pop2blog plugin</link>
                    for blojsom. This plugin will monitor a POP3 mailbox and post blog entries to the appropriate

        <faq id="othermob">
                Besides blojsim, is there any other support for moblogging?
                    Eventually, we will get around to writing an e-mail interface so that you can send e-mail
                    to a mailbox that blojsom will monitor and populate your blojsom blog with the content.
    <part id="xml-rpc">

        <faq id="edit-xml-rpc">
                Can I edit my blojsom blog via XML-RPC?
                    Yes. blojsom includes an
                    <a href="javadoc/org/blojsom/extension/xmlrpc/package-summary.html">XML-RPC servlet</a>
                    <a href="javadoc/org/blojsom/extension/xmlrpc/handlers/package-summary.html">XML-RPC handlers</a>
                    for the
                    <a href="http://plant.blogger.com/api/index.html">Blogger API</a> and
                    <a href="http://www.xmlrpc.com/metaWeblogAPI">MetaWeblog API</a>.
    <part id="ext-plug">
        <title>Extensions / plug-ins</title>

        <faq id="ext">
                Are there any extensions available for blojsom?
                    Yes. In fact there is one (at the moment). Check out
                    <link href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/blojsim">blojsim</link>, which is an instant messenger
                    add-on for blojsom. Using blojsim, you can blog directly to blojsom from your mobile phone
                    or any other IM-capable device.

        <faq id="plugin">
                What plugins are available for blojsom?
                    As blojsom users write plugins for blojsom, we will maintain a list of plugins for blojsom.
                    Starting with blojsom 1.4, there are a number of plugins available using the
                    <a href="javadoc/org/blojsom/plugin/package-summary.html">plugin API</a>.