comments.xml   [plain text]

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<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.2//EN" "document-v12.dtd">
                Starting with blojsom 1.5, you have the ability to allow users to comment on your blog entries. By default,
                comments are enabled in the
                <code></code> that ships with blojsom.
                As indicated in the
                <link href="site:installation">installation</link> documentation, the value for the
                parameter can be either
                <em>true</em> or
                <em>false</em>. If set to true, blog comments are enabled globally
                on your blog. If set to false, no user may comment on blog entries.
                <em>blog-comments-directory</em> parameter indicates the directory where blog comments
                will be written to under the blog category directories.  This directory is automatically
                added to the list of directories that get filtered by blojsom.
                When users are taken to the comments page for a blog entry, they are presented with a form
                where they can enter their name, e-mail address, URL (for a homepage or their own blog), and
                a comment. Users must enter, at a minimum, their name and a comment. Their e-mail address
                and URL are optional.
                <title>Disabling comments on individual entries</title>
                    If comments are enabled on your blog, but you do not want to allow users to comment on
                    an individual entry, you can do so by making that entry
                    <em>read-only</em>. blojsom uses
                    this to indicate whether or not it should allow users to comment on an entry. If a blog
                    entry is writable, users may comment on that entry.
                    Comments can also be disabled on individual entries throug the web administration interface.
                    If you are adding or editing an entry, you can check a box to indicate that comments are
                    not enabled on a single entry.
                    Finally, if you are running the Meta plugin before the Comments plugin, you can add metadata
                    to the entry to disable comments. The metadata key to disable comments
                    would be specified as "meta-blog-entry-comments-disabled=y" in your blog entry. You would do
                    this if you were not editing your blog through the web administration interface or you edit
                    your blog entries from the command-line.
                <title>Banning IP addresses from commenting and comment throttling</title>
                    In blojsom 1.9.1, both the Comment and Trackback plugins can ban IP addresses from posting comments
                    and trackbacks by specifying regular expressions for banned IP addresses. The list of banned IP
                    addresses is controlled by the
                    <em>blog-banned-ip-addresses</em> parameter in your individual
                    As an example, the following will ban you from posting locally.
                    In blojsom 2.11, you can configure comment throttling. If throttling is enabled,
                    comments left from a particular IP address must wait a configurable number of
                    minutes before another comment can be posted. The comment throttle parameter is
                    controlled by the <em>plugin-comment-throttle</em> parameter in your individual
                    <code>/WEB-INF/(user-id)/</code>. The parameter is specified as minutes.
                <title>Configuring "Remember Me" cookie expiration</title>
                    Expiration of the cookies for the "Remember Me" functionality in the
                    comments plugin can be controlled by the <em>plugin-comment-expiration-duration</em>
                    parameter in your individual <code>/WEB-INF/(user-id)/</code>. This parameter is specified as
                    an integer value in number of seconds until expiration.
                <title>Enabling auto-formatting of comments</title>
                    Add the following to your <code>/WEB-INF/(user-id)/</code> if you would like to
                    enable auto-formatting of comments. This will turn all newline characters into &lt;br/&gt; tags.
                <title>Setting a prefix for comment e-mail messages</title>
                    The default subject prefix for comment e-mails is set to <em>[blojsom] Comment on: </em>. If you
                    would like to configure a different prefix for e-mail messages, set the
                    <em>plugin-comment-email-prefix</em> property in your individual <code>/WEB-INF/(user-id)/</code>.
                    For example:
                        plugin-comment-email-prefix=[] Comment:
                <title>Comment API support</title>
                    As of blojsom 1.8, support for the
                    <link href="">Comment API</link>
                    has been added to blojsom.