admin-file-upload.xml   [plain text]

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.2//EN" "document-v12.dtd">
        <title>File Upload Administation Plugin</title>

                The File Upload Administration plugin allows you to upload files to your blog as well as delete files
                that you have uploaded to your blog. This means you can add images or sound files to your blog that
                can be displayed in entries.
            <title>Installation and Setup</title>
                In your global
                <code></code> file, add the following line:
                The File Upload plugin has its own configuration file, <code></code>, that
                is referenced from an initialization parameter in the <code>/WEB-INF/web.xml</code> file.
                The contents of this file will be similar to the following:
                    accepted-file-types=image/jpeg, image/gif, image/png
                <em>temporary-directory</em> should be set to a temporary directory. It is used when an upload file
                is too large to fit into memory. <br/>
                <em>maximum-upload-size</em> is the maximum allowable size in bytes for files that are uploaded to
                any blog.<br/>
                <em>maximum-memory-size</em> is the maximum allowable size of files that should be kept in memory.
                Files exceeding this size will be written to the temporary directory before being written to the proper
                resources directory for the individual user.<br/>
                <em>accepted-file-types</em> is a comma-separated list of allowed MIME types for file uploads.<br/>
                <em>resources-directory</em> is the name of a directory that <b>must</b> be created in the directory
                where blojsom is installed. Individual user directories will be created underneath this directory for
                each individual blog user.
                After logging into the administration console, you may click on the link to "Upload Files"
                and you will be able upload and delete existing files from your blog.