/***************************************************************** ** ** @(#) ncparse.c -- A very simple named.conf parser ** ** Copyright (c) Apr 2005 - Nov 2007, Holger Zuleger HZnet. All rights reserved. ** ** This software is open source. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, ** this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** ** Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, ** this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation ** and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** ** Neither the name of Holger Zuleger HZnet nor the names of its contributors may ** be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without ** specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ** "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED ** TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ** PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE ** LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR ** CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF ** SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS ** INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN ** CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ** ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE ** POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ** *****************************************************************/ # include # include # include # include # include "debug.h" # include "misc.h" # include "log.h" #define extern # include "ncparse.h" #undef extern # define TOK_STRING 257 # define TOK_DIR 258 # define TOK_INCLUDE 259 # define TOK_ZONE 260 # define TOK_TYPE 261 # define TOK_MASTER 262 # define TOK_SLAVE 263 # define TOK_STUB 264 # define TOK_HINT 265 # define TOK_FORWARD 266 # define TOK_DELEGATION 267 # define TOK_VIEW 268 # define TOK_FILE 270 # define TOK_UNKNOWN 511 /* list of "named.conf" keywords we are interested in */ static struct KeyWords { char *name; int tok; } kw[] = { { "STRING", TOK_STRING }, { "include", TOK_INCLUDE }, { "directory", TOK_DIR }, { "file", TOK_FILE }, { "zone", TOK_ZONE }, #if 0 /* we don't need the type keyword; master, slave etc. is sufficient */ { "type", TOK_TYPE }, #endif { "master", TOK_MASTER }, { "slave", TOK_SLAVE }, { "stub", TOK_STUB }, { "hint", TOK_HINT }, { "forward", TOK_FORWARD }, { "delegation-only", TOK_DELEGATION }, { "view", TOK_VIEW }, { NULL, TOK_UNKNOWN }, }; #ifdef DBG static const char *tok2str (int tok) { int i; i = 0; while ( kw[i].name && kw[i].tok != tok ) i++; return kw[i].name; } #endif static int searchkw (const char *keyword) { int i; dbg_val ("ncparse: searchkw (%s)\n", keyword); i = 0; while ( kw[i].name && strcmp (kw[i].name, keyword) != 0 ) i++; return kw[i].tok; } static int gettok (FILE *fp, char *val, size_t valsize) { int lastc; int c; char buf[255+1]; char *p; char *bufend; *val = '\0'; do { while ( (c = getc (fp)) != EOF && isspace (c) ) ; if ( c == '#' ) /* single line comment ? */ { while ( (c = getc (fp)) != EOF && c != '\n' ) ; continue; } if ( c == EOF ) return EOF; if ( c == '{' || c == '}' || c == ';' ) continue; if ( c == '/' ) /* begin of C comment ? */ { if ( (c = getc (fp)) == '*' ) /* yes! */ { lastc = EOF; /* read until end of c comment */ while ( (c = getc (fp)) != EOF && !(lastc == '*' && c == '/') ) lastc = c; } else if ( c == '/' ) /* is it a C single line comment ? */ { while ( (c = getc (fp)) != EOF && c != '\n' ) ; } else /* no ! */ ungetc (c, fp); continue; } if ( c == '\"' ) { p = val; bufend = val + valsize - 1; while ( (c = getc (fp)) != EOF && p < bufend && c != '\"' ) *p++ = c; *p = '\0'; /* if string buffer is too small, eat up rest of string */ while ( c != EOF && c != '\"' ) c = getc (fp); return TOK_STRING; } p = buf; bufend = buf + sizeof (buf) - 1; do *p++ = tolower (c); while ( (c = getc (fp)) != EOF && p < bufend && (isalpha (c) || c == '-') ); *p = '\0'; ungetc (c, fp); if ( (c = searchkw (buf)) != TOK_UNKNOWN ) return c; } while ( c != EOF ); return EOF; } /***************************************************************** ** ** parse_namedconf (const char *filename, chroot_dir, dir, dirsize, int (*func) ()) ** ** Very dumb named.conf parser. ** - In a zone declaration the _first_ keyword MUST be "type" ** - For every master zone "func (directory, zone, filename)" will be called ** *****************************************************************/ int parse_namedconf (const char *filename, const char *chroot_dir, char *dir, size_t dirsize, int (*func) ()) { FILE *fp; int tok; char path[511+1]; #if 1 /* this is potentialy too small for key data, but we don't need the keys... */ char strval[255+1]; #else char strval[4095+1]; #endif char view[255+1]; char zone[255+1]; char zonefile[255+1]; dbg_val ("parse_namedconf: parsing file \"%s\" \n", filename); assert (filename != NULL); assert (dir != NULL && dirsize != 0); assert (func != NULL); view[0] = '\0'; if ( (fp = fopen (filename, "r")) == NULL ) return 0; while ( (tok = gettok (fp, strval, sizeof strval)) != EOF ) { if ( tok > 0 && tok < 256 ) { error ("parse_namedconf: token found with value %-10d: %c\n", tok, tok); lg_mesg (LG_ERROR, "parse_namedconf: token found with value %-10d: %c", tok, tok); } else if ( tok == TOK_DIR ) { if ( gettok (fp, strval, sizeof (strval)) == TOK_STRING ) { dbg_val2 ("parse_namedconf: directory found \"%s\" (dir is %s)\n", strval, dir); if ( *strval != '/' && *dir ) snprintf (path, sizeof (path), "%s/%s", dir, strval); else snprintf (path, sizeof (path), "%s", strval); /* prepend chroot directory (do it only once) */ if ( chroot_dir && *chroot_dir ) { snprintf (dir, dirsize, "%s%s%s", chroot_dir, *path == '/' ? "": "/", path); chroot_dir = NULL; } else snprintf (dir, dirsize, "%s", path); dbg_val ("parse_namedconf: new dir \"%s\" \n", dir); } } else if ( tok == TOK_INCLUDE ) { if ( gettok (fp, strval, sizeof (strval)) == TOK_STRING ) { if ( *strval != '/' && *dir ) snprintf (path, sizeof (path), "%s/%s", dir, strval); else snprintf (path, sizeof (path), "%s", strval); if ( !parse_namedconf (path, chroot_dir, dir, dirsize, func) ) return 0; } else { error ("parse_namedconf: need a filename after \"include\"!\n"); lg_mesg (LG_ERROR, "parse_namedconf: need a filename after \"include\"!"); } } else if ( tok == TOK_VIEW ) { if ( gettok (fp, strval, sizeof (strval)) != TOK_STRING ) continue; snprintf (view, sizeof view, "%s", strval); /* store the name of the view */ } else if ( tok == TOK_ZONE ) { if ( gettok (fp, strval, sizeof (strval)) != TOK_STRING ) continue; snprintf (zone, sizeof zone, "%s", strval); /* store the name of the zone */ if ( gettok (fp, strval, sizeof (strval)) != TOK_MASTER ) continue; if ( gettok (fp, strval, sizeof (strval)) != TOK_FILE ) continue; if ( gettok (fp, strval, sizeof (strval)) != TOK_STRING ) continue; snprintf (zonefile, sizeof zonefile, "%s", strval); /* this is the filename */ dbg_val4 ("dir %s view %s zone %s file %s\n", dir, view, zone, zonefile); (*func) (dir, view, zone, zonefile); } else dbg_val3 ("%-10s(%d): %s\n", tok2str(tok), tok, strval); } fclose (fp); return 1; } #ifdef TEST_NCPARSE int printzone (const char *dir, const char *view, const char *zone, const char *file) { printf ("printzone "); printf ("view \"%s\" " , view); printf ("zone \"%s\" " , zone); printf ("file "); if ( dir && *dir ) printf ("%s/", dir, file); printf ("%s", file); putchar ('\n'); return 1; } char *progname; main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char directory[255+1]; progname = argv[0]; directory[0] = '\0'; if ( --argc == 0 ) parse_namedconf ("/var/named/named.conf", NULL, directory, sizeof (directory), printzone); else parse_namedconf (argv[1], NULL, directory, sizeof (directory), printzone); } #endif