strip   [plain text]


# This file, along with the GNUmakefile, works around a verification
# error caused by a UFS bug (stripping a multi-link file breaks the link, and
# sometimes causes the wrong file to be stripped/unstripped).  By using this
# "strip" perl script, it not only causes the correct file to be stripped, but
# also preserves the link.

use strict;
use File::Basename ();
use File::stat ();
use File::Temp ();
use Getopt::Long ();
use POSIX ();

my %argtype = (
    A => '',
    R => '=s',
    S => '',
    X => '',
    c => '',
    d => '=s',
    i => '',
    n => '',
    o => '=s',
    r => '',
    s => '=s',
    u => '',
    x => '',
my $cp = 'cp';
my $MyName = File::Basename::basename($0);
my $strip = '/usr/bin/strip';

my %args;
Getopt::Long::Configure(qw(no_permute bundling_override no_ignore_case));
Getopt::Long::GetOptions(\%args, map {"$_$argtype{$_}"} keys(%argtype));

shift(@ARGV) if $ARGV[0] eq '-';
exec($strip) unless scalar(@ARGV) > 0;

my $st;
foreach my $f (@ARGV) {
    if(defined($st = File::stat::stat($f)) && POSIX::S_ISREG($st->mode)
      && $st->nlink > 1) {
	my $tmp = File::Temp->new(TEMPLATE => 'stripXXXXXX', DIR => '/var/tmp');
	die "$MyName: Can't create temp file\n" unless defined($tmp);
	system($cp, $f, $tmp->filename) == 0 or exit($?);
	  (map {$argtype{$_} eq '' ? "-$_" : ("-$_", $args{$_})} keys(%args)),
	) == 0 or exit($?);
	system($cp, $tmp->filename, $f) == 0 or exit($?);
    } else {
	  (map {$argtype{$_} eq '' ? "-$_" : ("-$_", $args{$_})} keys(%args)),
	) == 0 or exit($?);