stripslashes_variation5.phpt   [plain text]

Test stripslashes() function : usage variations - with magic_quotes_sybase directive ON
/* Prototype  : string stripslashes ( string $str )
 * Description: Returns an un-quoted string
 * Source code: ext/standard/string.c

 * Test stripslashes() with PHP directive magic_quotes_sybase set ON 

echo "*** Testing stripslashes() : with php directive magic_quotes_sybase set ON ***\n";

// setting ON the php directive magic_quotes_sybase
ini_set("magic_quotes_sybase", "1");

// initialising a heredoc string
$heredoc_string = <<<EOT
This is line 1 of 'heredoc' string
This is line 2 of "heredoc" string

$heredoc_null_string =<<<EOT
// initialising the string array
$str_array = array( 
                    // string without any characters that can be backslashed
                    'Hello world',
                    // string with single quotes
                    "how're you doing?", 
                    "don't disturb u'r neighbours",
                    "don't disturb u'r neighbours''",
                    // string with double quotes
                    'he said, "he will be on leave"',
                    'he said, ""he will be on leave"',
                    // string with backslash characters
                    'Is your name Ram\Krishna?',

                    // string with nul characters

                    // mixed strings

		    // string with hexadecimal number

                    // heredoc strings

$count = 1;
// looping to test for all strings in $str_array
foreach( $str_array as $str )  {
  echo "\n-- Iteration $count --\n";
  $str_addslashes = addslashes($str);
  var_dump("The string after addslashes is:", $str_addslashes);
  $str_stripslashes = stripslashes($str_addslashes);
  var_dump("The string after stripslashes is:", $str_stripslashes);
  if( strcmp($str, $str_stripslashes) != 0 )
    echo "\nOriginal string and string from stripslashes() donot match\n";
  $count ++;

echo "Done\n";
*** Testing stripslashes() : with php directive magic_quotes_sybase set ON ***

-- Iteration 1 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(11) "Hello world"
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(11) "Hello world"

-- Iteration 2 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(18) "how''re you doing?"
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(17) "how're you doing?"

-- Iteration 3 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(30) "don''t disturb u''r neighbours"
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(28) "don't disturb u'r neighbours"

-- Iteration 4 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(34) "don''t disturb u''r neighbours''''"
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(30) "don't disturb u'r neighbours''"

-- Iteration 5 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(0) ""
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(0) ""

-- Iteration 6 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(2) "''"
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(1) "'"

-- Iteration 7 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(2) "''"
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(1) "'"

-- Iteration 8 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(30) "he said, "he will be on leave""
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(30) "he said, "he will be on leave""

-- Iteration 9 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(31) "he said, ""he will be on leave""
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(31) "he said, ""he will be on leave""

-- Iteration 10 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(9) """"PHP""""
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(9) """"PHP""""

-- Iteration 11 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(0) ""
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(0) ""

-- Iteration 12 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(1) """
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(1) """

-- Iteration 13 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(1) """
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(1) """

-- Iteration 14 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(6) "hello""
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(6) "hello""

-- Iteration 15 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(25) "Is your name Ram\Krishna?"
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(25) "Is your name Ram\Krishna?"

-- Iteration 16 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(28) "c:\php\testcase\stripslashes"
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(28) "c:\php\testcase\stripslashes"

-- Iteration 17 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(1) "\"
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(1) "\"

-- Iteration 18 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(12) "hello\0world"
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(11) "helloworld"

-- Iteration 19 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(9) "\0hello\0"
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(7) "hello"

-- Iteration 20 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(9) "\0\0hello"
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(7) "hello"

-- Iteration 21 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(2) "\0"
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(1) ""

-- Iteration 22 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(13) "\"''''"
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(11) "\"''"

-- Iteration 23 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(15) "\"''''\0"
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(12) "\"''"

-- Iteration 24 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(13) "\0''c:\php\''"
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(10) "'c:\php\'"

-- Iteration 25 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(13) ""c:\php\"\0''"
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(11) ""c:\php\"'"

-- Iteration 26 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(20) ""hello"''world''\0//"
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(17) ""hello"'world'//"

-- Iteration 27 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(18) "0xABCDEF0123456789"
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(18) "0xABCDEF0123456789"

-- Iteration 28 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(15) "«cdef0123456789"
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(15) "«cdef0123456789"

-- Iteration 29 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(18) "!@#$%&*@$%#&/;:,<>"
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(18) "!@#$%&*@$%#&/;:,<>"

-- Iteration 30 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(12) "hello\0world"
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(11) "helloworld"

-- Iteration 31 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(71) "This is line 1 of ''heredoc'' string
This is line 2 of "heredoc" string"
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(69) "This is line 1 of 'heredoc' string
This is line 2 of "heredoc" string"

-- Iteration 32 --
string(31) "The string after addslashes is:"
string(0) ""
string(33) "The string after stripslashes is:"
string(0) ""