fflush_variation4.phpt   [plain text]

Test fflush() function: usage variations - file opened in read-only mode 
/*  Prototype: bool fflush ( resource $handle );
    Description: Flushes the output to a file

/* test fflush() with handle to a file opened in read-only mode as resource */

$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
require $file_path.'/file.inc';

echo "*** Testing fflush(): with file handles of files opened in various read modes ***\n";
$file_modes = array("r", "rb", "rt");

$file_name = "$file_path/fflush_variation4.tmp"; 

$count = 1;

foreach( $file_modes as $mode ) {
  echo "-- Iteration $count with file opened in $mode mode --\n";

  // creating a file
  $file_handle = fopen($file_name, "w");
  if($file_handle == false)
    exit("Error:failed to open file $file_name");
  // opening the file in different read modes
  $file_handle = fopen($file_name, $mode);
  if($file_handle == false) 
    exit("Error:failed to open file $file_name");
  var_dump( fflush($file_handle) );

echo "\n--- Done ---";
*** Testing fflush(): with file handles of files opened in various read modes ***
-- Iteration 1 with file opened in r mode --
-- Iteration 2 with file opened in rb mode --
-- Iteration 3 with file opened in rt mode --

--- Done ---