scandir_error2.phpt   [plain text]

Test scandir() function : error conditions - Non-existent directory
/* Prototype  : array scandir(string $dir [, int $sorting_order [, resource $context]])
 * Description: List files & directories inside the specified path 
 * Source code: ext/standard/dir.c

 * Pass a directory that does not exist to scandir() to test error messages

echo "*** Testing scandir() : error conditions ***\n";

$directory = dirname(__FILE__) . '/idonotexist';

echo "\n-- Pass scandir() an absolute path that does not exist --\n";

echo "\n-- Pass scandir() a relative path that does not exist --\n";
*** Testing scandir() : error conditions ***

-- Pass scandir() an absolute path that does not exist --

Warning: scandir(%s/idonotexist): failed to open dir: %s in %s on line %d

Warning: scandir(): (errno %d): %s in %s on line %d

-- Pass scandir() a relative path that does not exist --

Warning: scandir(/idonotexist): failed to open dir: %s in %s on line %d

Warning: scandir(): (errno %d): %s in %s on line %d