opendir_variation3.phpt   [plain text]

Test opendir() function : usage variations - open a directory twice
/* Prototype  : mixed opendir(string $path[, resource $context])
 * Description: Open a directory and return a dir_handle 
 * Source code: ext/standard/dir.c

 * Call opendir() twice with the same directory as $path argument

echo "*** Testing opendir() : usage variation ***\n";

$path = dirname(__FILE__) . "/opendir_variation3";

echo "\n-- Open directory first time: --\n";
var_dump($dh1 = opendir($path));

echo "\n-- Open directory second time: --\n";
var_dump($dh2 = opendir($path));

if ($dh1 !== $dh2) {
	echo "\nNew resource created\n";
} else {
	echo "\nNo new resource created\n";

$path = dirname(__FILE__) . "/opendir_variation3";
*** Testing opendir() : usage variation ***

-- Open directory first time: --
resource(%d) of type (stream)

-- Open directory second time: --
resource(%d) of type (stream)

New resource created