sizeof_object1.phpt   [plain text]

Test sizeof() function : object functionality - object with Countable interface
// Skip the test case if Standard PHP Library(spl) is not installed
  if( !extension_loaded('spl'))
     die('skip spl is not installed');
/* Prototype  : int sizeof($mixed var[, int $mode])
 * Description: Counts an elements in an array. If Standard PHP library is installed, 
 * it will return the properties of an object.
 * Source code: ext/standard/basic_functions.c
 * Alias to functions: count()

echo "*** Testing sizeof() : object functionality ***\n";

echo "-- Testing sizeof() with an object which implements Countable interface --\n";
class sizeof_class implements Countable 
  public $member1;
  private $member2;
  protected $member3;
  public function count()
    return 3; // return the count of member variables in the object

$obj = new sizeof_class();

echo "-- Testing sizeof() in default mode --\n";
var_dump( sizeof($obj) );
echo "-- Testing sizeof() in COUNT_NORMAL mode --\n";
var_dump( sizeof($obj, COUNT_NORMAL) );
echo "-- Testing sizeof() in COUNT_RECURSIVE mode --\n";
var_dump( sizeof($obj, COUNT_RECURSIVE) );

echo "Done";
*** Testing sizeof() : object functionality ***
-- Testing sizeof() with an object which implements Countable interface --
-- Testing sizeof() in default mode --
-- Testing sizeof() in COUNT_NORMAL mode --
-- Testing sizeof() in COUNT_RECURSIVE mode --