reset_variation2.phpt   [plain text]

Test reset() function : usage variations - unset first element
/* Prototype  : mixed reset(array $array_arg)
 * Description: Set array argument's internal pointer to the first element and return it 
 * Source code: ext/standard/array.c

 * Unset first element of an array and test behaviour of reset()

echo "*** Testing reset() : usage variations ***\n";

$array = array('a', 'b', 'c');

echo "\n-- Initial Position: --\n";
echo current($array) . " => " . key($array) . "\n";

echo "\n-- Unset First element in array and check reset() --\n";
*** Testing reset() : usage variations ***

-- Initial Position: --
a => 0

-- Unset First element in array and check reset() --
string(1) "b"