count_variation3.phpt   [plain text]

Test count() function : usage variations - Infinitely recursive array
/* Prototype  : int count(mixed $var [, int $mode])
 * Description: Count the number of elements in a variable (usually an array) 
 * Source code: ext/standard/array.c

 * Pass count() an infinitely recursive array as $var argument
 * This will stop the script before it reaches the end.

echo "*** Testing count() : usage variations ***\n";

$array1 = array (1, 2, 'three');
// get an infinitely recursive array
$array1[] = &$array1;

echo "\n-- \$mode not set: --\n";
var_dump(count ($array1));

echo "\n-- \$mode = 1: --\n";
var_dump(count ($array1, 1));

$array1[3] = null;

echo "Done";
*** Testing count() : usage variations ***

-- $mode not set: --

-- $mode = 1: --

Warning: count(): recursion detected in %s on line %d