array_walk_recursive_object2.phpt   [plain text]

Test array_walk_recursive() function : object functionality - array of objects
/* Prototype  : bool array_walk_recursive(array $input, string $funcname [, mixed $userdata])
 * Description: Apply a user function to every member of an array 
 * Source code: ext/standard/array.c

* Testing array_walk_recursive() with an array of objects

echo "*** Testing array_walk_recursive() : array of objects ***\n";

 * Prototype : callback(mixed $value, mixed $key, int $addvalue
 * Parameters : $value - values in given input array
 *              $key - keys in given input array
 *              $addvalue - value to be added
 * Description : Function adds the addvalue to each element of an array
function callback_private($value, $key, $addValue)
  echo "value : ";
  echo "key : ";

function callback_public($value, $key)
  echo "value : ";
function callback_protected($value, $key)
  echo "value : ";

class MyClass
  private $pri_value;
  public $pub_value;
  protected $pro_value;
  public function __construct($setVal)
    $this->pri_value = $setVal;
    $this->pub_value = $setVal;
    $this->pro_value = $setVal;
  public function getValue()
    return $this->pri_value;
  public function get_pro_value()
    return $this->pro_value;

// array containing objects of MyClass
$input = array (
  new MyClass(3),
  new MyClass(10),
  new MyClass(20),
  array(new MyClass(-10))

echo "-- For private member --\n";
var_dump( array_walk_recursive($input, "callback_private", 1));
echo "-- For public member --\n";
var_dump( array_walk_recursive($input, "callback_public"));
echo "-- For protected member --\n";
var_dump( array_walk_recursive($input, "callback_protected")); 

echo "Done"
*** Testing array_walk_recursive() : array of objects ***
-- For private member --
value : int(3)
key : int(0)
value : int(10)
key : int(1)
value : int(20)
key : int(1)
value : int(-10)
key : int(0)
-- For public member --
value : int(3)
value : int(10)
value : int(20)
value : int(-10)
-- For protected member --
value : int(3)
value : int(10)
value : int(20)
value : int(-10)