array_diff_variation10.phpt   [plain text]

Test array_diff() function : usage variations - binary safe checking
/* Prototype  : array array_diff(array $arr1, array $arr2 [, array ...])
 * Description: Returns the entries of $arr1 that have values which are 
 * not present in any of the others arguments. 
 * Source code: ext/standard/array.c

 * Test behaviour of array_diff() function with binary input

echo "*** Testing array_diff() : usage variations ***\n";

$array1 = array( b"1", 
                 "str1" => "hello", 
                 "str2" => "world");

$array2 = array( b"1" => 'hello',

var_dump(array_diff($array1, $array2));
var_dump(array_diff($array2, $array1));

echo "Done";
*** Testing array_diff() : usage variations ***
array(1) {
  string(1) "1"
array(1) {
  string(4) "test"