BUGS: - fix backtraces - exit in PHP exits Roxen - POST newline added? - Rewriting header handling so that more than one header with the same name can be set (most importantly, cookies). - Recursive mutex lock problem: And another error (when trying to include a class) Recursive mutex locks! /Usr/local/pike/7.0.54/lib/modules/PHP4.so.Interpreter: run("/home/www/www.tx.pl/news/test.php",mapping[3],modules/scripting/php4.pike.PHPScript(),modules/scripting/php4.pike.PHPScript.done) modules/scripting/php4.pike:169: run() base_server/roxen.pike:569: handler_thread(3). And after this every access to any php script (on other virtual sites also) ends (of course there is no proper output) with this error: Php4.Interpreter->run: Tried to run a PHP-script from a PHP callback!/usr/local/pike/7.0.54/lib/modules/PHP4.so.Interpreter: run("/home/www/biall.com.pl/index.php3",mapping[2],modules/scripting/php4.pike.PHPScript(),modules/scripting/php4.pike.PHPScript.done) modules/scripting/php4.pike:169: run() base_server/roxen.pike:569: handler_thread(3). ADDITIONS: - use th_farm - change cwd in single threaded mode - per-virtual-server configuration