List Available Channels doList lc List all available channels for installation. Update the Channel List doUpdateAll uc List all installed packages in all channels. Remove a Channel From the List doDelete cde <channel name> Delete a channel from the registry. You may not remove any channel that has installed packages. Add a Channel doAdd ca <channel.xml> Add a private channel to the channel list. Note that all public channels should be synced using "update-channels". Parameter may be either a local file or remote URL to a channel.xml. Update an Existing Channel doUpdate cu f will force download of new channel.xml if an existing channel name is used c CHANNEL will force download of new channel.xml if an existing channel name is used [<channel.xml>|<channel name>] Update a channel in the channel list directly. Note that all public channels can be synced using "update-channels". Parameter may be a local or remote channel.xml, or the name of an existing channel. Retrieve Information on a Channel doInfo ci <package> List the files in an installed package. Specify an alias to a channel name doAlias cha <channel> <alias> Specify a specific alias to use for a channel name. The alias may not be an existing channel name or alias. Initialize a Channel from its server doDiscover di <package> List the files in an installed package.