--TEST-- XMLReader: Bug #70309 XmlReader read generates extra output --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- xml(' Test Chapter This is a paragraph in the test chapter. It is unremarkable in every regard. This is a paragraph in the test chapter. It is unremarkable in every regard. This is a paragraph in the test chapter. It is unremarkable in every regard. This paragraph contains some emphasized text 1and a superscript and a subscript. This is a paragraph in the test chapter. It is unremarkable in every regard. This is a paragraph in the test chapter. It is unremarkable in every regard. This is a paragraph in the test chapter. It is unremarkable in every regard. '); $doc->setRelaxNGSchema('http://docs.oasis-open.org/docbook/rng/5.0/docbook.rng'); while (@$doc->read() !== false); ?> ===DONE=== --EXPECT-- ===DONE===