get_defined_functions_basic.phpt   [plain text]

get_defined_functions() function : basic functionality

/* Prototype  : array get_defined_functions  ( void  )
 * Description: Gets an array of all defined functions.
 * Source code: Zend/zend_builtin_functions.c

echo "*** Testing get_defined_functions() : basic functionality ***\n";

function foo() {}

// mixed case function
function HelloWorld() {}

Class C {
	function f1() {}
	static function f2() {}

$func = get_defined_functions();

if (!is_array($func)) {
	echo "TEST FAILED: return type not an array\n";

if (!is_array($func["internal"])) {
 	echo "TEST FAILED: no element in result array with key 'internal'\n";

$internal = $func["internal"];

//check for a few core functions
if (!in_array("cos", $internal) || !in_array("strlen", $internal)) {
 	echo "TEST FAILED: missing elements from 'internal' array\n";

if (!is_array($func["user"])) {
 	echo "TEST FAILED: no element in result array with key 'user'\n";

$user = $func["user"];
if (count($user) == 2 && in_array("foo", $user) && in_array("helloworld", $user)) {
	echo "TEST PASSED\n";
} else {
	echo "TEST FAILED: missing elements from 'user' array\n";

*** Testing get_defined_functions() : basic functionality ***