spl.php   [plain text]


/** @file spl.php
 * @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Documentation of internal classes and interfaces
 * SPL - Standard PHP Library
 * (c) Marcus Boerger, 2003 - 2008

/** @mainpage SPL - Standard PHP Library
 * SPL - Standard PHP Library
 * SPL is a collection of interfaces and classes that are meant to solve
 * standard problems and implements some efficient data access interfaces
 * and classes. You'll find the classes documented using php code in the
 * file spl.php or in corresponding .inc files in subdirectories examples
 * and internal. Based on the internal implementations or the files in the
 * examples subdirectory there are also some .php files to experiment with.
 * The .inc files are not included automatically because they are sooner or
 * later integrated into the extension. That means that you either need to
 * put the code of examples/autoload.inc into your autoprepend file or that
 * you have to point your ini setting auto_prepend_file to that file.
 * Below is a list of interfaces/classes already availabel natively through
 * the SPL extension grouped by category.
 * 1) Iterators
 * SPL offers some advanced iterator algorithms:
 * - interface RecursiveIterator extends Iterator
 * - interface OuterIterator extends Iterator
 * - class RecursiveIteratorIterator implements OuterIterator
 * - class RecursiveTreeIterator extends RecursiveIteratorIterator
 * - abstract class FilterIterator implements OuterIterator
 * - class ParentIterator extends FilterIterator implements RecursiveIterator
 * - interface SeekableIterator extends Iterator
 * - class LimitIterator implements OuterIterator
 * - class CachingIterator implements OuterIterator
 * - class RecursiveCachingIterator extends CachingIterator implements RecursiveIterator
 * - class IteratorIterator implements OuterIterator
 * - class NoRewindIterator implements OuterIterator
 * - class EmptyIterator implements Iterator
 * - class InfiniteIterator extends IteratorIterator
 * - class AppendIterator implements OuterIterator
 * - class RegexIterator extends FilterIterator
 * - class RecursiveRegexIterator extends RegexIterator implements RecursiveIterator
 * - class MultipleIterator extends Iterator
 * 2) Directories and Files
 * SPL offers two advanced directory and file handling classes:
 * - class SplFileInfo
 * - class DirectoryIterator extends SplFileInfo implements Iterator
 * - class FilesystemIterator extends DirectoryIterator
 * - class RecursiveDirectoryIterator extends FilesystemIterator implements RecursiveIterator
 * - class GlobIterator extends FilesystemIterator implements Countable
 * - class SplFileObject extends SplFileInfo implements RecursiveIterator, SeekableIterator
 * - class SplTempFileObject extends SplFileObject
 * 3) XML
 * SPL offers an advanced XML handling class:
 * - class SimpleXMLIterator extends simplexml_element implements RecursiveIterator
 * 4) Array Overloading
 * SPL offers advanced Array overloading:
 * - class ArrayObject implements IteratorAggregate, ArrayAccess, Countable
 * - class ArrayIterator implements Iterator, ArrayAccess, Countable, SeekableIterator
 * - class RecursiveArrayIterator extends ArrayIterator implements RecursiveIterator
 * - class SplFixedArray implements Iterator, ArrayAccess, Countable
 * As the above suggest an ArrayObject creates an ArrayIterator when it comes to
 * iteration (e.g. ArrayObject instance used inside foreach).
 * 5) Counting
 * - interface Countable allows to hook into the standard array function count().
 * 6) Exception%s
 * SPL provides a set of standard Exception classes each meant to indicate a
 * certain problem type.
 * - class LogicException           extends Exception
 * - class BadFunctionCallException extends LogicException
 * - class BadMethodCallException   extends BadFunctionCallException
 * - class DomainException          extends LogicException
 * - class InvalidArgumentException extends LogicException
 * - class LengthException          extends LogicException
 * - class OutOfRangeException      extends LogicException
 * - class RuntimeException         extends Exception
 * - class OutOfBoundsException     extends RuntimeException
 * - class OverflowException        extends RuntimeException
 * - class RangeException           extends RuntimeException
 * - class UnderflowException       extends RuntimeException
 * 7) Observer
 * SPL suggests a standard way of implementing the observer pattern.
 * - interface SplObserver
 * - interface SplSubject
 * - class SplObjectStorage
 * 8) Datastructures
 * SPL proposes a set of datastructures implemented internally.
 * - class SplDoublyLinkedList
 * - class SplStack                 extends SplDoublyLinkedList
 * - class SplQueue                 extends SplDoublyLinkedList
 * 9) @ref Examples
 * The classes and interfaces in this group are contained as PHP code in the
 * examples subdirectory of ext/SPL. Sooner or later they will be moved to
 * c-code.
 * 10) Some articles about SPL:
 * - <a href="http://www.phpro.org/tutorials/Introduction-to-SPL.html">Introduction to Standard PHP Library (SPL)</a>
 * - <a href="http://www.sitepoint.com/article/php5-standard-library/1">Introducing PHP 5's Standard Library</a>
 * - <a href="http://www.ramikayyali.com/archives/2005/02/25/iterators">Iterators in PHP5</a>
 * - <a href="http://www.phpriot.com/d/articles/php/oop/oop-with-spl-php-5-1/index.html">Advanced OOP with SPL in PHP 5</a>
 * - <a href="http://www.devshed.com/c/a/PHP/The-Standard-PHP-Library-Part-1/">The Standard PHP Library, Part 1</a>
 * - <a href="http://www.devshed.com/c/a/PHP/The-Standard-PHP-Library-Part-2/">The Standard PHP Library, Part 2</a>
 * - <a href="http://www.professionelle-softwareentwicklung-mit-php5.de/erste_auflage/oop.iterators.spl.html">Die Standard PHP Library (SPL) [german]</a>
 * 11) Talks on SPL:
 * - SPL Update <a href="http://talks.somabo.de/200702_vancouver_spl_update.pps">[pps]</a>, <a href="http://talks.somabo.de/200702_vancouver_spl_update.pdf">[pdf]</a>
 * - Happy SPLing <a href="http://talks.somabo.de/200509_toronto_happy_spling.pps">[pps]</a>, <a href="http://talks.somabo.de/200509_toronto_happy_spling.pdf">[pdf]</a>
 * - From engine overloading to SPL <a href="http://talks.somabo.de/200505_cancun_from_engine_overloading_to_spl.pps">[pps]</a>, <a href="http://talks.somabo.de/200505_cancun_from_engine_overloading_to_spl.pdf">[pdf]</a>
 * - SPL for the masses <a href="http://talks.somabo.de/200504_php_quebec_spl_for_the_masses.pps">[pps]</a>, <a href="http://talks.somabo.de/200504_php_quebec_spl_for_the_masses.pdf">[pdf]</a>
 * 12) Debug sessions:
 * - Debug session 1 <a href="200407_oscon_introduction_to_iterators_debug.pps">[pps]</a>, <a href="200407_oscon_introduction_to_iterators_debug.pdf">[pdf]</a>
 * - Debug session 2 <a href="http://talks.somabo.de/200509_toronto_iterator_debug_session_1.pps">[pps]</a>, <a href="http://talks.somabo.de/200509_toronto_iterator_debug_session_1.pdf">[pdf]</a>, <a href="http://taks.somabo.de/200411_php_conference_frankfrurt_iterator_debug_session.swf">[swf]</a>
 * - Debug session 3 <a href="http://talks.somabo.de/200509_toronto_iterator_debug_session_2.pps">[pps]</a>, <a href="http://talks.somabo.de/200509_toronto_iterator_debug_session_2.pdf">[pdf]</a>
 * (c) Marcus Boerger, 2003 - 2007

/** @defgroup ZendEngine Zend engine classes
 * The classes and interfaces in this group are contained in the c-code of
 * PHP's Zend engine.

/** @defgroup SPL Internal classes
 * The classes and interfaces in this group are contained in the c-code of
 * ext/SPL.

/** @defgroup Examples Example classes
 * The classes and interfaces in this group are contained as PHP code in the
 * examples subdirectory of ext/SPL. Sooner or later they will be moved to
 * c-code.

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Default implementation for __autoload()
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * @param class_name        name of class to load
 * @param file_extensions   file extensions (use defaults if NULL)
function spl_autoload(string $class_name, string $file_extensions = NULL) {/**/};

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Manual invocation of all registerd autoload functions
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * @param class_name        name of class to load
function spl_autoload_call(string $class_name) {/**/};

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Register and return default file extensions for spl_autoload
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * @param file_extensions optional comma separated list of extensions to use in
 *        default autoload function. If not given just return the current list.
 * @return comma separated list of file extensions to use in default autoload
 *        function.
function spl_autoload_extensions($file_extensions) {/**/};

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Return all registered autoload functionns
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * @return array of all registered autoload functions or false
function spl_autoload_functions() {/**/};

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Register given function as autoload implementation
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * @param autoload_function  name of function or array of object/class and
 *                           function name to register as autoload function.
 * @param throw              whether to throw or issue an error on failure.
function spl_autoload_register(string $autoload_function = "spl_autoload", $throw = true) {/**/};

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Unregister given function as autoload implementation
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * @param autoload_function  name of function or array of object/class and
 *                           function name to unregister as autoload function.
function spl_autoload_unregister(string $autoload_function = "spl_autoload") {/**/};

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Return an array of classes and interfaces in SPL
 * @return array containing the names of all clsses and interfaces defined in
 *         extension SPL
function spl_classes() {/**/};

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Count the elements in an iterator
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * @return number of elements in an iterator
function iterator_count(Traversable $it) {/**/};

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Copy iterator elements into an array
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * @param it  iterator to copy
 * @param use_keys whether touse the keys
 * @return array with elements copied from the iterator
function iterator_to_array(Traversable $it, $use_keys = true) {/**/};

/** @ingroup ZendEngine
 * @brief Basic Exception class.
 * @since PHP 5.0
class Exception
	/** The exception message */
	protected $message;

	/** The string representations as generated during construction */
	private $string;

	/** The code passed to the constructor */
	protected $code;

	/** The file name where the exception was instantiated */
	protected $file;

	/** The line number where the exception was instantiated */
	protected $line;

	/** The stack trace */
	private $trace;

	/** Prevent clone
	final private function __clone() {}

	/** Construct an exception
	 * @param $message Some text describing the exception
	 * @param $code    Some code describing the exception
	function __construct($message = NULL, $code = 0) {
		if (func_num_args()) {
			$this->message = $message;
		$this->code = $code;
		$this->file = __FILE__; // of throw clause
		$this->line = __LINE__; // of throw clause
		$this->trace = debug_backtrace();
		$this->string = StringFormat($this);

	/** @return the message passed to the constructor
	final public function getMessage()
		return $this->message;

	/** @return the code passed to the constructor
	final public function getCode()
		return $this->code;

	/** @return the name of the file where the exception was thrown
	final public function getFile()
		return $this->file;

	/** @return the line number where the exception was thrown
	final public function getLine()
		return $this->line;

	/** @return the stack trace as array
	final public function getTrace()
		return $this->trace;

	/** @return the stack trace as string
	final public function getTraceAsString()

	/** @return string representation of exception
	public function __toString()
		return $this->string;

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Exception that represents error in the program logic.
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * This kind of exceptions should directly leed to a fix in your code.
class LogicException extends Exception

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Exception thrown when a function call was illegal.
 * @since PHP 5.1
class BadFunctionCallException extends LogicException

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Exception thrown when a method call was illegal.
 * @since PHP 5.1
class BadMethodCallException extends BadFunctionCallException

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Exception that denotes a value not in the valid domain was used.
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * This kind of exception should be used to inform about domain erors in
 * mathematical sense.
 * @see RangeException
class DomainException extends LogicException

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Exception that denotes invalid arguments were passed.
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * @see UnexpectedValueException
class InvalidArgumentException extends LogicException

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Exception thrown when a parameter exceeds the allowed length.
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * This can be used for strings length, array size, file size, number of
 * elements read from an Iterator and so on.
class LengthException extends LogicException

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Exception thrown when an illegal index was requested.
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * This represents errors that should be detected at compile time.
 * @see OutOfBoundsException
class OutOfRangeException extends LogicException

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Exception thrown for errors that are only detectable at runtime.
 * @since PHP 5.1
class RuntimeException extends Exception

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Exception thrown when an illegal index was requested.
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * This represents errors that cannot be detected at compile time.
 * @see OutOfRangeException
class OutOfBoundsException extends RuntimeException

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Exception thrown to indicate arithmetic/buffer overflow.
 * @since PHP 5.1
class OverflowException extends RuntimeException

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Exception thrown to indicate range errors during program execution.
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * Normally this means there was an arithmetic error other than under/overflow.
 * This is the runtime version of DomainException.
 * @see DomainException
class RangeException extends RuntimeException

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Exception thrown to indicate arithmetic/buffer underflow.
 * @since PHP 5.1
class UnderflowException extends RuntimeException

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Exception thrown to indicate an unexpected value.
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * Typically this happens when a function calls another function and espects
 * the return value to be of a certain type or value not including arithmetic
 * or buffer related errors.
 * @see InvalidArgumentException
class UnexpectedValueException extends RuntimeException

/** @ingroup ZendEngine
 * @brief Interface to override array access of objects.
 * @since PHP 5.0
interface ArrayAccess
	/** @param $offset to modify
	 * @param $value new value
	function offsetSet($offset, $value);

	/** @param $offset to retrieve
	 * @return value at given offset
	function offsetGet($offset);

	/** @param $offset to delete
	function offsetUnset($offset);

	/** @param $offset to check
	 * @return whether the offset exists.
	function offsetExists($offset);

/** @ingroup ZendEngine
 * @brief Interface to detect a class is traversable using foreach.
 * @since PHP 5.0
 * Abstract base interface that cannot be implemented alone. Instead it
 * must be implemented by either IteratorAggregate or Iterator.
 * @note Internal classes that implement this interface can be used in a
 * foreach construct and do not need to implement IteratorAggregate or
 * Iterator.
 * @note This is an engine internal interface which cannot be implemented
 * in PHP scripts. Either IteratorAggregate or Iterator must be used
 * instead.
interface Traversable

/** @ingroup ZendEngine
 * @brief Interface to create an external Iterator.
 * @since PHP 5.0
 * @note This is an engine internal interface.
interface IteratorAggregate extends Traversable
	/** @return an Iterator for the implementing object.
	function getIterator();

/** @ingroup ZendEngine
 * @brief Basic iterator
 * @since PHP 5.0
 * Interface for external iterators or objects that can be iterated
 * themselves internally.
 * @note This is an engine internal interface.
interface Iterator extends Traversable
	/** Rewind the Iterator to the first element.
	function rewind();

	/** Return the current element.
	function current();

	/** Return the key of the current element.
	function key();

	/** Move forward to next element.
	function next();

	/** Check if there is a current element after calls to rewind() or next().
	function valid();

/** @ingroup ZendEngine
 * @brief This Interface allows to hook into the global count() function.
 * @since PHP 5.1
interface Countable
	/** @return the number the global function count() should show
	function count();

/** @ingroup ZendEngine
 * @brief Interface for customized serializing
 * @since 5.1
 * Classes that implement this interface no longer support __sleep() and
 * __wakeup(). The method serialized is called whenever an instance needs to
 * be serialized. This does not invoke __destruct() or has any other side
 * effect unless programmed inside the method. When the data is unserialized
 * the class is known and the appropriate unserialize() method is called as a
 * constructor instead of calling __construct(). If you need to execute the
 * standard constructor you may do so in the method.
interface Serializable
	 * @return string representation of the instance
	function serialize();

	 * @note This is a constructor
	 * @param $serialized data read from stream to construct the instance
	function unserialize($serialized);

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief An Array wrapper
 * @since PHP 5.0
 * @version 1.2
 * This array wrapper allows to recursively iterate over Arrays and public
 * Object properties.
 * @see ArrayIterator
class ArrayObject implements IteratorAggregate, ArrayAccess, Countable
	/** Properties of the object have their normal functionality
	 * when accessed as list (var_dump, foreach, etc.) */
	const STD_PROP_LIST     = 0x00000001;
	/** Array indices can be accessed as properties in read/write */
	const ARRAY_AS_PROPS    = 0x00000002;

	/** Construct a new array iterator from anything that has a hash table.
	 * That is any Array or Object.
	 * @param $array the array to use.
	 * @param $flags see setFlags().
	 * @param $iterator_class class used in getIterator()
	function __construct($array, $flags = 0, $iterator_class = "ArrayIterator") {/**/}

	/** Set behavior flags.
	 * @param $flags bitmask as follows:
	 *        0 set: properties of the object have their normal functionality
	 *               when accessed as list (var_dump, foreach, etc.)
	 *        1 set: array indices can be accessed as properties in read/write
	function setFlags($flags) {/**/}

	/** @return current flags
	function getFlags() {/**/}

	/** Sort the entries by values.
	function asort() {/**/}

	/** Sort the entries by key.
	function ksort() {/**/}

	/** Sort the entries by values using user defined function.
	function uasort(mixed cmp_function) {/**/}

	/** Sort the entries by key using user defined function.
	function uksort(mixed cmp_function) {/**/}

	/** Sort the entries by values using "natural order" algorithm.
	function natsort() {/**/}

	/** Sort the entries by values using case insensitive "natural order" algorithm.
	function natcasesort() {/**/}

	/** @param $array new array or object
	function exchangeArray($array) {/**/}

	/** @return the iterator which is an ArrayIterator object connected to
	 * this object.
	function getIterator() {/**/}

	/** @param $index offset to inspect
	 * @return whetehr offset $index esists
	function offsetExists($index) {/**/}

	/** @param $index offset to return value for
	 * @return value at offset $index
	function offsetGet($index) {/**/}

	/** @param $index index to set
	 * @param $newval new value to store at offset $index
	function offsetSet($index, $newval) {/**/}

	/** @param $index offset to unset
	function offsetUnset($index) {/**/}

	/** @param $value is appended as last element
	 * @warning this method cannot be called when the ArrayObject refers to
	 *          an object.
	function append($value) {/**/}

	/** @return a \b copy of the array
	 * @note when the ArrayObject refers to an object then this method
	 *       returns an array of the public properties.
	function getArrayCopy() {/**/}

	/** @return the number of elements in the array or the number of public
	 * properties in the object.
	function count() {/**/}

	/* @param $iterator_class new class used in getIterator()
	function setIteratorClass($itertor_class) {/**/}

	/* @return class used in getIterator()
	function getIteratorClass() {/**/}

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief An Array iterator
 * @since PHP 5.0
 * @version 1.2
 * This iterator allows to unset and modify values and keys while iterating
 * over Arrays and Objects.
 * When you want to iterate over the same array multiple times you need to
 * instanciate ArrayObject and let it create ArrayIterator instances that
 * refer to it either by using foreach or by calling its getIterator()
 * method manually.
class ArrayIterator implements SeekableIterator, ArrayAccess, Countable
	/** Properties of the object have their normal functionality
	 * when accessed as list (var_dump, foreach, etc.) */
	const STD_PROP_LIST  = 0x00000001;
	/** Array indices can be accessed as properties in read/write */
	const ARRAY_AS_PROPS = 0x00000002;

	/** Construct a new array iterator from anything that has a hash table.
	 * That is any Array or Object.
	 * @param $array the array to use.
	 * @param $flags see setFlags().
	function __construct($array, $flags = 0) {/**/}

	/** Set behavior flags.
	 * @param $flags bitmask as follows:
	 *        0 set: properties of the object have their normal functionality
	 *               when accessed as list (var_dump, foreach, etc.)
	 *        1 set: array indices can be accessed as properties in read/write
	function setFlags($flags) {/**/}

	 * @return current flags
	function getFlags() {/**/}

	/** Sort the entries by values.
	function asort() {/**/}

	/** Sort the entries by key.
	function ksort() {/**/}

	/** Sort the entries by values using user defined function.
	function uasort(mixed cmp_function) {/**/}

	/** Sort the entries by key using user defined function.
	function uksort(mixed cmp_function) {/**/}

	/** Sort the entries by values using "natural order" algorithm.
	function natsort() {/**/}

	/** Sort the entries by values using case insensitive "natural order" algorithm.
	function natcasesort() {/**/}

	/** @param $index offset to inspect
	 * @return whetehr offset $index esists
	function offsetExists($index) {/**/}

	/** @param $index offset to return value for
	 * @return value at offset $index
	function offsetGet($index) {/**/}

	/** @param $index index to set
	 * @param $newval new value to store at offset $index
	function offsetSet($index, $newval) {/**/}

	/** @param $index offset to unset
	function offsetUnset($index) {/**/}

	/** @param $value is appended as last element
	 * @warning this method cannot be called when the ArrayIterator refers to
	 *          an object.
	function append($value) {/**/}

	/** @return a \b copy of the array
	 * @note when the ArrayIterator refers to an object then this method
	 *       returns an array of the public properties.
	function getArrayCopy() {/**/}

	/** @param $position offset to seek to
	 * @throw OutOfBoundsException if $position is invalid
	function seek($position) {/**/}

	/** @return the number of elements in the array or the number of public
	 * properties in the object.
	function count() {/**/}

	/** @copydoc Iterator::rewind */
	function rewind() {/**/}

	/** @copydoc Iterator::valid */
	function valid() {/**/}

	/** @copydoc Iterator::current */
	function current() {/**/}

	/** @copydoc Iterator::key */
	function key() {/**/}

	/** @copydoc Iterator::next */
	function next() {/**/}

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief File info class
 * @since PHP 5.1.3
class SplFileInfo
	/** Construct a file info object
	 * @param $file_name path or file name
	function __construct($file_name) {/**/}

	/** @return the path part only.
	function getPath() {/**/}

	/** @return the filename only.
	function getFilename() {/**/}

	/** @return SplFileInfo created for the file
	 * @param class_name name of class to instantiate
	 * @see SplFileInfo::setInfoClass()
	function getFileInfo(string class_name = NULL) {/**/}

	/** @return The current entries path and file name.
	function getPathname() {/**/}

	/** @return SplFileInfo created for the path
	 * @param class_name name of class to instantiate
	 * @see SplFileInfo::setInfoClass()
	function getPathInfo(string class_name = NULL) {/**/}

	/** @return The current entry's permissions.
	function getPerms() {/**/}

	/** @return The current entry's inode.
	function getInode() {/**/}

	/** @return The current entry's size in bytes .
	function getSize() {/**/}

	/** @return The current entry's owner name.
	function getOwner() {/**/}

	/** @return The current entry's group name.
	function getGroup() {/**/}

	/** @return The current entry's last access time.
	function getATime() {/**/}

	/** @return The current entry's last modification time.
	function getMTime() {/**/}

	/** @return The current entry's last change time.
	function getCTime() {/**/}

	/** @return The current entry's file type.
	function getType() {/**/}

	/** @return Whether the current entry is writeable.
	function isWritable() {/**/}

	/** @return Whether the current entry is readable.
	function isReadable() {/**/}

	/** @return Whether the current entry is executable.
	function isExecutable() {/**/}

	/** @return Whether the current entry is .
	function isFile() {/**/}

	/** @return Whether the current entry is a directory.
	function isDir() {/**/}

	/** @return whether the current entry is a link.
	function isLink() {/**/}

	/** @return target of link.
	function getLinkTarget() {/**/}

	/** @return The resolved path
	function getRealPath() {/**/}

	/** @return getPathname()
	function __toString() {/**/}

	/** Open the current file as a SplFileObject instance
	 * @param mode              open mode
	 * @param use_include_path  whether to search include paths (don't use)
	 * @param context           resource context to passed to open function
	 * @throw RuntimeException  if file cannot be opened (e.g. insufficient
	 *                          access rights).
	 * @return The opened file as a SplFileObject instance
	 * @see SplFileObject
	 * @see SplFileInfo::setFileClass()
	 * @see file()
	function openFile($mode = 'r', $use_include_path = false, $context = NULL) {/**/}

	/** @param class_name name of class used with openFile(). Must be derived
	 * from SPLFileObject.
	function setFileClass(string class_name = "SplFileObject") {/**/}

	/** @param class_name name of class used with getFileInfo(), getPathInfo().
	 *                     Must be derived from SplFileInfo.
	function setInfoClass(string class_name = "SplFileInfo") {/**/}

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Directory iterator
 * @version 1.1
 * @since PHP 5.0
class DirectoryIterator extends SplFileInfo implements Iterator
	/** Construct a directory iterator from a path-string.
	 * @param $path directory to iterate.
	function __construct($path) {/**/}

	/** @copydoc Iterator::rewind */
	function rewind() {/**/}

	/** @copydoc Iterator::valid */
	function valid() {/**/}

	/** @return index of entry
	function key() {/**/}

	/** @return $this
	function current() {/**/}

	/** @copydoc Iterator::next */
	function next() {/**/}

	/** @return Whether the current entry is either '.' or '..'.
	function isDot() {/**/}

	/** @return whether the current entry is a link.
	function isLink() {/**/}

	/** @return getFilename()
	function __toString() {/**/}

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief recursive directory iterator
 * @version 1.1
 * @since PHP 5.0
class RecursiveDirectoryIterator extends DirectoryIterator implements RecursiveIterator
	const CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO   0x00000000; /* make RecursiveDirectoryTree::current() return SplFileInfo */
	const CURRENT_AS_SELF       0x00000010; /* make RecursiveDirectoryTree::current() return getSelf() */
	const CURRENT_AS_PATHNAME   0x00000020; /* make RecursiveDirectoryTree::current() return getPathname() */

	const KEY_AS_PATHNAME       0x00000000; /* make RecursiveDirectoryTree::key() return getPathname() */
	const KEY_AS_FILENAME       0x00000100; /* make RecursiveDirectoryTree::key() return getFilename() */


	/** Construct a directory iterator from a path-string.
	 * @param $path   directory to iterate.
	 * @param $flags  open flags
	function __construct($path, $flags = 0) {/**/}

	/** @return getPathname() or getFilename() depending on flags
	function key() {/**/}

	/** @return getFilename() or getFileInfo() depending on flags
	function current() {/**/}

	/** @return whether the current is a directory (not '.' or '..').
	function hasChildren() {/**/}

	/** @return a RecursiveDirectoryIterator for the current entry.
	function getChildren() {/**/}

	/** @return sub path only (without main path)
	function getSubPath() {/**/}

	/** @return the current sub path
	function getSubPathname() {/**/}

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief recursive SimpleXML_Element iterator
 * @since PHP 5.0
 * The SimpleXMLIterator implements the RecursiveIterator interface. This
 * allows iteration over all elements using foreach or an appropriate while
 * construct, just like SimpleXMLElement does. When using the foreach construct,
 * you will also iterate over the subelements. For every element which
 * has subelements, hasChildren() returns true.  This will trigger a call to
 * getChildren() which returns the iterator for that sub element.
class SimpleXMLIterator extends SimpleXMLElement implements RecursiveIterator, Countable
	/** @return whether the current node has sub nodes.
	function hasChildren() {/**/}

	/** @return a SimpleXMLIterator for the current node.
	function getChildren() {/**/}

	/** @return number of elements/attributes seen with foreach()
	function count() {/**/}

	/** @copydoc Iterator::rewind */
	function rewind() {/**/}

	/** @copydoc Iterator::valid */
	function valid() {/**/}

	/** @copydoc Iterator::current */
	function current() {/**/}

	/** @copydoc Iterator::key */
	function key() {/**/}

	/** @copydoc Iterator::next */
	function next() {/**/}

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Observer of the observer pattern
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * For a detailed explanation see Observer pattern in
 * <em>
 * Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides<br />
 * Design Patterns
 * </em>
interface SplObserver
	/** Called from the subject (i.e. when it's value has changed).
	 * @param $subject the callee
	function update(SplSubject $subject);

/** @ingroup SPL
 * @brief Subject to the observer pattern
 * @since PHP 5.1
 * @see Observer
interface SplSubject
	/** @param $observer new observer to attach
	function attach(SplObserver $observer);

	/** @param $observer existing observer to detach
	 * @note a non attached observer shouldn't result in a warning or similar
	function detach(SplObserver $observer);

	/** Notify all observers
	function notify();
