--TEST-- Foreach loop tests - substituting the entire iterated entity during the loop. --FILE-- a = "new a"; $obj2->b = "new b"; $obj2->c = "new c"; $obj2->d = "new d"; $obj2->e = "new e"; $obj2->f = "new f"; $ref = &$obj; $count=0; foreach ($obj as $v) { var_dump($v); if ($v==$obj->b) { $ref=$obj2; } if (++$count>10) { echo "Loop detected.\n"; break; } } var_dump($obj); echo "\nSubstituting the iterated object for an array.\n"; $obj = new C; $a = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); $ref = &$obj; $count=0; foreach ($obj as $v) { var_dump($v); if ($v==="Original b") { $ref=$a; } if (++$count>10) { echo "Loop detected.\n"; break; } } var_dump($obj); echo "\nSubstituting the iterated array for an object.\n"; $a = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); $obj = new C; $ref = &$a; $count=0; foreach ($a as $v) { var_dump($v); if ($v===2) { $ref=$obj; } if (++$count>10) { echo "Loop detected.\n"; break; } } var_dump($obj); ?> --EXPECTF-- Substituting the iterated object for a different object. string(10) "Original a" string(10) "Original b" string(10) "Original c" string(10) "Original d" string(10) "Original e" object(stdClass)#%d (6) { ["a"]=> string(5) "new a" ["b"]=> string(5) "new b" ["c"]=> string(5) "new c" ["d"]=> string(5) "new d" ["e"]=> string(5) "new e" ["f"]=> string(5) "new f" } Substituting the iterated object for an array. string(10) "Original a" string(10) "Original b" string(10) "Original c" string(10) "Original d" string(10) "Original e" array(8) { [0]=> int(1) [1]=> int(2) [2]=> int(3) [3]=> int(4) [4]=> int(5) [5]=> int(6) [6]=> int(7) [7]=> int(8) } Substituting the iterated array for an object. int(1) int(2) int(3) int(4) int(5) int(6) int(7) int(8) object(C)#%d (5) { ["a"]=> string(10) "Original a" ["b"]=> string(10) "Original b" ["c"]=> string(10) "Original c" ["d"]=> string(10) "Original d" ["e"]=> string(10) "Original e" }