package.xml   [plain text]

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<!DOCTYPE package SYSTEM "../pear/package.dtd">
 <summary>zlib compression management</summary>
   <name>Stefan Roehrich</name>
   <name>Rasmus Lerdorf</name>
   <name>Zeev Suraski</name>
   <name>Jade Nicoletti</name>
This module enables you to transparently read and write 
gzip (.gz) compressed files, through versions of most of 
the filesystem functions which work with gzip-compressed 
files (and uncompressed files, too, but not with sockets).
package.xml added to support installation using pear installer
   <file role="doc" name="CREDITS"/>
   <file role="doc" name="zlib_win32_howto.txt"/>
   <file role="src" name="config0.m4"/>
   <file role="src" name="config.w32"/>
   <file role="src" name="php_zlib.h"/>
   <file role="src" name="zlib.c"/>
   <file role="src" name="zlib_fopen_wrapper.c"/>
   <file role="src" name="php_zlib.def"/>
   <file role="test" name="tests/001.phpt"/>
   <file role="test" name="tests/002.phpt"/>
   <file role="test" name="tests/003.phpt"/>
   <file role="test" name="tests/gzreadgzwrite.phpt"/>
   <file role="test" name="tests/gzreadgzwriteplain.phpt"/>
   <file role="test" name="tests/gzfilegzreadfile.phpt"/>
   <dep type="php" rel="ge" version="5" />