bug45614.phpt   [plain text]

SPL: Bug#45614 (ArrayIterator can show 1st private prop of wrapped object)
class C {
	private $priv1 = 'secret1';
	private $priv2 = 'secret2';
	public $pub1 = 'public1';
	public $pub2 = 'public2';
	public $pub3 = 'public3';
	public $pub4 = 'public4';

function showFirstTwoItems($it) {
  echo str_replace("\0", '\0', $it->key()) . " => " . $it->current() .
  echo str_replace("\0", '\0', $it->key()) . " => " . $it->current() .

$ao = new ArrayObject(new C);
$ai = $ao->getIterator();

echo "--> Show the first two items:\n";

echo "\n--> Rewind and show the first two items:\n";

echo "\n--> Invalidate current position and show the first two items:\n";

echo "\n--> Rewind, seek and show the first two items:\n";
--> Show the first two items:
pub1 => public1
pub2 => public2

--> Rewind and show the first two items:
pub1 => public1
pub2 => public2

--> Invalidate current position and show the first two items:
pub3 => public3
pub4 => public4

--> Rewind, seek and show the first two items:
pub1 => public1
pub3 => public3