SplFileObject_fputcsv_variation14.phpt   [plain text]

Test fputcsv() : usage variations - with enclosure & delimiter of two chars

/* Testing fputcsv() to write to a file when default enclosure value and delimiter
   of two chars is provided and file is opened in read only mode */

echo "*** Testing fputcsv() : with enclosure & delimiter of two chars and file opened in read mode ***\n";

$fo = new SplFileObject(__DIR__ . '/SplFileObject_fputcsv.csv', 'w');

var_dump($fo->fputcsv(array('water', 'fruit'), ',,', '""'));


echo "Done\n";
$file = __DIR__ . '/SplFileObject_fputcsv.csv';
*** Testing fputcsv() : with enclosure & delimiter of two chars and file opened in read mode ***

Warning: SplFileObject::fputcsv(): enclosure must be a character in %s on line %d