imap_fetch_overview_basic.phpt   [plain text]

Test imap_fetch_overview() function : basic functionality 
/* Prototype  : array imap_fetch_overview(resource $stream_id, int $msg_no [, int $options])
 * Description: Read an overview of the information in the headers 
 * of the given message sequence 
 * Source code: ext/imap/php_imap.c

echo "*** Testing imap_fetch_overview() : basic functionality ***\n";


// create a new mailbox and add two new messages to it
$stream_id = setup_test_mailbox('', 2, $mailbox, 'notSimple');

// get UID for new message
$msg_no = imap_uid($stream_id, 1);
$options = FT_UID;

// Calling imap_fetch_overview() with all possible arguments
echo "\n-- All possible arguments --\n";
$a =  imap_fetch_overview($stream_id, "$msg_no", $options) ;
echo "\n--> Object #1\n";

// Calling imap_fetch_overview() with mandatory arguments
echo "\n-- Mandatory arguments --\n";
$a = imap_fetch_overview($stream_id, '1:2') ;

//first object in array
echo "\n--> Object #1\n";

//Second object in array
echo "\n--> Object #2\n";


*** Testing imap_fetch_overview() : basic functionality ***
Create a temporary mailbox and add 2 msgs
.. mailbox '{%s}%s' created

-- All possible arguments --

--> Object #1
size is %d
uid is %d
msgno is 1
recent is %d
flagged is 0
answered is 0
deleted is 0
seen is 0
draft is 0
udate is OK

-- Mandatory arguments --

--> Object #1
size is %d
uid is %d
msgno is 1
recent is %d
flagged is 0
answered is 0
deleted is 0
seen is 0
draft is 0
udate is OK

--> Object #2
size is %d
uid is %d
msgno is 2
recent is %d
flagged is 0
answered is 0
deleted is 0
seen is 0
draft is 0
udate is OK