date_offset_get_basic1.phpt   [plain text]

Test date_offset_get() function : basic functionality 
/* Prototype  : int date_offset_get  ( DateTime $object  )
 * Description: Returns the daylight saving time offset
 * Source code: ext/date/php_date.c
 * Alias to functions:  DateTime::getOffset
//Set the default time zone 

echo "*** Testing date_offset_get() : basic functionality ***\n";

$winter = date_create('2008-12-25 14:25:41');
$summer = date_create('2008-07-02 14:25:41');

echo "Winter offset: " . date_offset_get($winter) / 3600 . " hours\n"; 
echo "Summer offset: " . date_offset_get($summer) / 3600 . " hours\n"; 

*** Testing date_offset_get() : basic functionality ***
Winter offset: 0 hours
Summer offset: 1 hours