DateTime_extends_basic1.phpt   [plain text]

Test DateTime class inheritance  

//Set the default time zone 

echo "*** Testing basic DateTime inheritance() ***\n";

class DateTimeExt extends DateTime
	public static $format = "F j, Y, g:i:s a";
	public function __toString()
		return parent::format(self::$format);

echo "\n-- Create an instance of DateTimeExt --\n";
$d = new DateTimeExt("1967-05-01 22:30:41");

echo "\n-- Invoke __toString --\n";
echo $d . "\n";

echo "\n -- modify date and time --\n";
$d->setDate(1963, 7, 2); 
$d->setTime(10, 45, 30); 

echo "\n-- Invoke __toString again --\n";
echo $d . "\n";

*** Testing basic DateTime inheritance() ***

-- Create an instance of DateTimeExt --

-- Invoke __toString --
May 1, 1967, 10:30:41 pm

 -- modify date and time --

-- Invoke __toString again --
July 2, 1963, 10:45:30 am