semi_reserved_008.phpt   [plain text]

Testing with comments around semi-reserved names (not intended to be legible)

trait TraitA
    public static function list(){ echo __METHOD__, PHP_EOL; }
    public static function /* comment */ catch(){ echo __METHOD__, PHP_EOL; }
    private static function // comment
        throw(){ echo __METHOD__, PHP_EOL; }
    private static function
    # comment
    self(){ echo __METHOD__, PHP_EOL; }

trait TraitB
    public static function exit(){ echo __METHOD__, PHP_EOL; }
    protected static function try(){ echo __METHOD__, PHP_EOL; }

class Foo
    use TraitA {
            /** doc comment */
        catch /* comment */ 
            // comment
            # comment
        insteadof TraitB;

        TraitA::list as public /**/ foreach;

    use TraitB {
        try /*comment*/ as public attempt;
        exit // comment
            as/*comment*/die; // non qualified
        \TraitB::exit as bye; // full qualified
        namespace\TraitB::exit #
        as byebye; // even more full qualified
            /**  */
            exit as farewell; // full qualified with weird spacing

Foo /**/
/**  */
/**  */

echo PHP_EOL, "Done", PHP_EOL;

