bug70805.phpt   [plain text]

Bug #70805 (Segmentation faults whilst running Drupal 8 test suite)
class A {

class B {

class C {
	public function __destruct() {
		if (isset($GLOBALS["a"])) {
			unset($GLOBALS["a"]); // this will be called in gc_colloct_roots and put $a into gc roots buf

$a = new A;
$a->b = new B;
$a->b->a = $a;

$i = 0;

$c = new A;
$array = array($c); //This is used to leave a room for $GLOBALS["a"]

while ($i++ < 9997) {
	$t = [];
	$t[] = &$t;
$t = [new C];
$t[] = &$t;
unset($t); // This is used to trigger C::__destruct while doing gc_colloct_roots

$e = $a;
unset($a); // This one can not be putted into roots buf because it's full, thus gc_colloct_roots will be called, 
           // but C::__destructor which is called in gc_colloct_roots will put $a into buf
		   // which will make $a be putted into gc roots buf twice