mb_substr_count_variation4.phpt   [plain text]

Test mb_substr_count() function : variation - pass a $needle that overlaps in $haystack
extension_loaded('mbstring') or die('skip');
function_exists('mb_substr_count') or die("skip mb_substr_count() is not available in this build");
/* Prototype  : int mb_substr_count(string $haystack, string $needle [, string $encoding])
 * Description: Count the number of substring occurrences 
 * Source code: ext/mbstring/mbstring.c

 * Pass mb_substr_count() a $needle that overlaps in $haystack and see whether
 * it counts only the first occurrence or all other occurrences regardless whether they
 * were part of previous match

echo "*** Testing mb_substr_count() : usage variations ***\n";

echo "\n-- ASCII String --\n";
$string_ascii = b'abcabcabc';
var_dump(mb_substr_count($string_ascii, b'abcabc')); //needle overlaps in haystack

echo "\n-- Multibyte String --\n";
$string_mb = base64_decode('5pel5pys6Kqe5pel5pys6Kqe5pel5pys6Kqe');
$needle_mb = base64_decode('5pel5pys6Kqe5pel5pys6Kqe');
var_dump(mb_substr_count($string_mb, $needle_mb, 'utf-8'));

echo "Done";
*** Testing mb_substr_count() : usage variations ***

-- ASCII String --

-- Multibyte String --