--TEST-- IntlTimeZone::hasSameRules(): errors --SKIPIF-- hasSameRules('foo')); var_dump(intltz_has_same_rules(null, $tz)); --EXPECT-- int(4096) string(99) "Argument 1 passed to IntlTimeZone::hasSameRules() must be an instance of IntlTimeZone, string given" int(2) string(81) "IntlTimeZone::hasSameRules() expects parameter 1 to be IntlTimeZone, string given" int(2) string(66) "IntlTimeZone::hasSameRules(): intltz_has_same_rules: bad arguments" bool(false) int(4096) string(92) "Argument 1 passed to intltz_has_same_rules() must be an instance of IntlTimeZone, null given" int(2) string(74) "intltz_has_same_rules() expects parameter 1 to be IntlTimeZone, null given" int(2) string(61) "intltz_has_same_rules(): intltz_has_same_rules: bad arguments" bool(false)