symfony_format_type_int32_intl3.phpt   [plain text]

Symfony StubNumberFormatterTest#testFormatTypeInt32Intl #3
<?php if( !extension_loaded( 'intl' ) ) print 'skip'; ?>

// PHP Unit's code to unserialize data passed as args to #testFormatTypeInt32Intl
$unit_test_args = unserialize('a:4:{i:0;O:15:"NumberFormatter":0:{}i:1;d:2147483648;i:2;s:14:"-2,147,483,648";i:3;s:83:"->format() TYPE_INT32 formats inconsistently an integer if out of the 32 bit range.";}');


// execute the code from #testFormatTypeInt32Intl
$unit_test_args[0]->format($unit_test_args[1], \NumberFormatter::TYPE_INT32);

echo "== didn't crash ==".PHP_EOL;

array(4) {
  object(NumberFormatter)#1 (0) {
  string(14) "-2,147,483,648"
  string(83) "->format() TYPE_INT32 formats inconsistently an integer if out of the 32 bit range."
== didn't crash ==