generate-phpt.php   [plain text]

 * Main code for test case generation

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/gtAutoload.php';

//Version check. Will not run on less than PHP53;

list($major, $minor, $bug) = explode(".", phpversion(), 3);
 if($major == 5) {
       if($minor < 3) { die("Sorry, you need PHP version 5.3 or greater to run this.\n"); }
   if ($major < 5) { die ("Seriously, you need to upgrade you PHP level\n"); }

$options = new gtCommandLineOptions();
$optionalSections = new gtOptionalSections();

} catch (exception $e) {
  echo $e->getMessage()."\n";

if($options->hasOption('h')) {

try {
  $preConditions = new gtPreConditionList();
} catch (exception $e) {
  echo $e->getMessage()."\n";

if($options->hasOption('s')) {

if($options->hasOption('c')) {
  $name = $options->getOption('c')."_".$options->getOption('m');
  $method = new gtMethod($options->getOption('c'), $options->getOption('m'));

if($options->hasOption('f')) {
  $name = $options->getOption('f');
  $function = new gtFunction($name);

if($options->hasOption('b')) {
  if($options->hasOption('c')) {
    $testCase = gtBasicTestCase::getInstance($optionalSections, 'method');
  } else {
    $testCase = gtBasicTestCase::getInstance($optionalSections);

  gtTestCaseWriter::write($name, $testCase->toString(), 'b');

if($options->hasOption('e')) {
  if($options->hasOption('c')) {
    $testCase = gtErrorTestCase::getInstance($optionalSections, 'method');
  } else {
    $testCase = gtErrorTestCase::getInstance($optionalSections);

  gtTestCaseWriter::write($name, $testCase->toString(), 'e');

if($options->hasOption('v')) {
  if($options->hasOption('c')) {
    $testCaseContainer = gtVariationContainer::getInstance($optionalSections, 'method');
  } else {
    $testCaseContainer = gtVariationContainer::getInstance ($optionalSections);


  $tests = $testCaseContainer->getVariationTests();

  $count = 1;
  foreach($tests as $test) {
    gtTestCaseWriter::write($name, $test, 'v', $count);
