help.txt   [plain text]

php generate-phpt.php  -f <function_name> |-c <class_name> -m <method_name> -b|e|v [-s skipif:ini:clean:done] [-k win|notwin|64b|not64b] [-x ext]

-f function_name ................. Name of PHP function, eg cos
-c class name .....................Name of class, eg DOMDocument
-m method name ....................Name of method, eg createAttribute
-b ............................... Generate basic tests
-e ............................... Generate error tests
-v ............................... Generate variation tests
-s sections....................... Create optional sections, colon separated list
-k skipif key..................... Skipif option, only used if -s skipif is used.
-x extension.......................Skipif option, specify extension to check for
-h ............................... Print this message