proc_nice_variation5.phpt   [plain text]

Test function proc_nice() by substituting argument 1 with int values.
Italian PHP TestFest 2009 Cesena 19-20-21 june
Fabio Fabbrucci (
Michele Orselli (
Simone Gentili (
	if(!function_exists('proc_nice')) die("skip. proc_nice not available ");
	if(posix_geteuid() == 0) print "skip - Cannot run test as root.";

echo "*** Test substituting argument 1 with int values ***\n";

$variation_array = array (
    'int 0' => 0,
    'int 1' => 1,
    'int 12345' => 12345,
    'int -12345' => -2345,

foreach ( $variation_array as $var ) {
  var_dump(proc_nice( $var  ) );
*** Test substituting argument 1 with int values ***

Warning: proc_nice(): Only a super user may attempt to increase the priority of a process in %s on line %d