ReflectionMethod_getClosure_basic.phpt   [plain text]

Test ReflectionMethod::getClosure() function : basic functionality 
/* Prototype  : public mixed ReflectionFunction::getClosure()
 * Description: Returns a dynamically created closure for the method 
 * Source code: ext/reflection/php_reflection.c
 * Alias to functions: 

echo "*** Testing ReflectionMethod::getClosure() : basic functionality ***\n";

class StaticExample
	static function foo()
		var_dump( "Static Example class, Hello World!" );

class Example
	public $bar = 42;
	public function foo()
		var_dump( "Example class, bar: " . $this->bar );

// Initialize classes
$class = new ReflectionClass( 'Example' );
$staticclass = new ReflectionClass( 'StaticExample' );
$object = new Example();
$fakeobj = new StdClass();

$method = $staticclass->getMethod( 'foo' );
$closure = $method->getClosure();

$method = $class->getMethod( 'foo' );

$closure = $method->getClosure( $object );
$object->bar = 34;

*** Testing ReflectionMethod::getClosure() : basic functionality ***
string(34) "Static Example class, Hello World!"
string(22) "Example class, bar: 42"
string(22) "Example class, bar: 34"