--TEST-- PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE --SKIPIF-- --INI-- error_reporting=E_ALL --FILE-- setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, $tmp)) printf("[001] Maybe PDO could indicate that this is not a proper way of setting the ERRMODE...\n"); $tmp = new stdClass(); $ret = @$db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, $tmp); if (false != $ret) printf("[002] Maybe PDO could indicate that this is not a proper way of setting the ERRMODE...%s\n", var_export($ret, true)); $ret = @$db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, 'pdo'); if (false != $ret) printf("[003] Maybe PDO could indicate that this is not a proper way of setting the ERRMODE...%s\n", var_export($ret, true)); if (false != @$db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, $invalid)) printf("[004] Invalid ERRMODE should be rejected\n"); $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_SILENT); // no message for any PDO call but... $db->query('THIS IS NOT VALID SQL'); // ... still messages for everything else $code = $db->errorCode(); $info = $db->errorInfo(); if ($code != '42000') printf("[005] Expecting SQL code 42000 got '%s'\n", $code); if ($code !== $info[0]) printf("[006] Code and info should be identical, got errorCode() = %s, errorInfo()[0] = %s\n", $code, $info[0]); if ('' == $info[1]) printf("[007] Driver specific error code not set\n"); if ('' == $info[2]) printf("[008] Driver specific error message not set\n"); $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_WARNING); $db->query('THIS IS NOT VALID SQL'); $code = $db->errorCode(); $info = $db->errorInfo(); if ($code != '42000') printf("[009] Expecting SQL code 42000 got '%s'\n", $code); if ($code !== $info[0]) printf("[010] Code and info should be identical, got errorCode() = %s, errorInfo()[0] = %s\n", $code, $info[0]); if ('' == $info[1]) printf("[011] Driver specific error code not set\n"); if ('' == $info[2]) printf("[012] Driver specific error message not set\n"); $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); try { $line = __LINE__ + 1; $db->query('THIS IS NOT VALID SQL'); } catch (PDOException $e) { $code = $db->errorCode(); $info = $db->errorInfo(); if ($code != '42000') printf("[013] Expecting SQL code 42000 got '%s'\n", $code); if ($code !== $info[0]) printf("[014] Code and info should be identical, got errorCode() = %s, errorInfo()[0] = %s\n", $code, $info[0]); if ('' == $info[1]) printf("[015] Driver specific error code not set\n"); if ('' == $info[2]) printf("[016] Driver specific error message not set\n"); if ($e->getCode() !== $code) printf("[017] Exception code '%s' differs from errorCode '%s'\n", $e->getCode(), $code); $msg = $e->getMessage(); foreach ($info as $k => $v) { if (false === stristr($msg, (string)$v)) { printf("[018] Cannot find all parts of the error info ('%s') in the exception message '%s'\n", $v, $msg); } } if ($e->getLine() !== $line) printf("[019] Exception has been thrown in line %d, exception object reports line %d\n", $line, $e->getLine()); if ($e->getFile() !== __FILE__) printf("[020] Exception has been thrown in file '%s', exception object reports file '%s'\n", __FILE__, $e->getFile()); } function my_handler($e) { global $db, $line; $code = $db->errorCode(); $info = $db->errorInfo(); if ($code != '42000') printf("[021] Expecting SQL code 42000 got '%s'\n", $code); if ($code !== $info[0]) printf("[022] Code and info should be identical, got errorCode() = %s, errorInfo()[0] = %s\n", $code, $info[0]); if ('' == $info[1]) printf("[023] Driver specific error code not set\n"); if ('' == $info[2]) printf("[024] Driver specific error message not set\n"); if ($e->getCode() !== $code) printf("[025] Exception code '%s' differs from errorCode '%s'\n", $e->getCode(), $code); $msg = $e->getMessage(); foreach ($info as $k => $v) { if (false === stristr($msg, (string)$v)) { printf("[026] Cannot find all parts of the error info ('%s') in the exception message '%s'\n", $v, $msg); } } if ($e->getLine() !== $line) printf("[027] Exception has been thrown in line %d, exception object reports line %d\n", $line, $e->getLine()); if ($e->getFile() !== __FILE__) printf("[028] Exception has been thrown in file '%s', exception object reports file '%s'\n", __FILE__, $e->getFile()); if (get_class($e) != 'PDOException') printf("[029] Expecting PDO exception got exception of type '%s'\n", get_class($e)); print "\nend of execution"; } set_exception_handler('my_handler'); $line = __LINE__ + 1; $db->query('THIS IS NOT VALID SQL'); print "done!\n"; --EXPECTF-- [003] Maybe PDO could indicate that this is not a proper way of setting the ERRMODE...true Warning: PDO::query(): SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: %d You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your %s server version for the right syntax to use near '%s' at line %d in %s on line %d end of execution