dateformat___construct_bad_tz_cal.phpt   [plain text]

IntlDateFormatter::__construct(): bad timezone or calendar
if (!extension_loaded('intl'))
	die('skip intl extension not enabled');
ini_set("intl.error_level", E_WARNING);
ini_set("intl.default_locale", "pt_PT");
ini_set("date.timezone", 'Atlantic/Azores');

var_dump(new IntlDateFormatter(NULL, 0, 0, 'bad timezone'));

var_dump(new IntlDateFormatter(NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 3));

var_dump(new IntlDateFormatter(NULL, 0, 0, NULL, new stdclass));


Warning: IntlDateFormatter::__construct(): datefmt_create: no such time zone: 'bad timezone' in %s on line %d

Warning: IntlDateFormatter::__construct(): datefmt_create: invalid value for calendar type; it must be one of IntlDateFormatter::TRADITIONAL (locale's default calendar) or IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN. Alternatively, it can be an IntlCalendar object in %s on line %d

Warning: IntlDateFormatter::__construct(): datefmt_create: Invalid calendar argument; should be an integer or an IntlCalendar instance in %s on line %d