cli_process_title_unix.phpt   [plain text]

Check cli_process_title support on Unix
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN')
echo "*** Testing setting the process title ***\n";

$set_title = $original_title = uniqid("title", true);
$pid = getmypid();

if (cli_set_process_title($original_title) === true)
  echo "Successfully set title\n";

$ps_output = shell_exec("ps -p $pid -o command | tail -n 1");

if ($ps_output === null)
  echo "ps failed\n";

$loaded_title = trim($ps_output);
if (strpos(strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 13)), "BSD") !== false)
  // Fix up title for BSD
  $set_title = "php: $original_title (php)";

if ($loaded_title == $set_title)
  echo "Successfully verified title using ps\n";
  echo "Actually loaded from ps: $loaded_title\n";

$read_title = cli_get_process_title();
if ($read_title == $original_title)
  echo "Successfully verified title using get\n";
  echo "Actually loaded from get: $read_title\n";

*** Testing setting the process title ***
Successfully set title
Successfully verified title using ps
Successfully verified title using get