mod_ssl.c   [plain text]

/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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/*                      _             _
 *  _ __ ___   ___   __| |    ___ ___| |  mod_ssl
 * | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ / _` |   / __/ __| |  Apache Interface to OpenSSL
 * | | | | | | (_) | (_| |   \__ \__ \ |
 * |_| |_| |_|\___/ \__,_|___|___/___/_|
 *                      |_____|
 *  mod_ssl.c
 *  Apache API interface structures

#include "ssl_private.h"
#include "mod_ssl.h"
#include "util_md5.h"
#include "util_mutex.h"
#include "ap_provider.h"

#include <assert.h>

 *  the table of configuration directives we provide

#define SSL_CMD_ALL(name, args, desc) \
        AP_INIT_##args("SSL"#name, ssl_cmd_SSL##name, \
                       NULL, RSRC_CONF|OR_AUTHCFG, desc),

#define SSL_CMD_SRV(name, args, desc) \
        AP_INIT_##args("SSL"#name, ssl_cmd_SSL##name, \
                       NULL, RSRC_CONF, desc),

#define SSL_CMD_DIR(name, type, args, desc) \
        AP_INIT_##args("SSL"#name, ssl_cmd_SSL##name, \
                       NULL, OR_##type, desc),

#define AP_END_CMD { NULL }

static const command_rec ssl_config_cmds[] = {
     * Global (main-server) context configuration directives
    SSL_CMD_SRV(PassPhraseDialog, TAKE1,
                "SSL dialog mechanism for the pass phrase query "
                "('builtin', '|/path/to/pipe_program', "
                "or 'exec:/path/to/cgi_program')")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(SessionCache, TAKE1,
                "SSL Session Cache storage "
                "('none', 'nonenotnull', 'dbm:/path/to/file')")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(CryptoDevice, TAKE1,
                "SSL external Crypto Device usage "
                "('builtin', '...')")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(RandomSeed, TAKE23,
                "SSL Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG) seeding source "
                "('startup|connect builtin|file:/path|exec:/path [bytes]')")

     * Per-server context configuration directives
    SSL_CMD_SRV(Engine, TAKE1,
                "SSL switch for the protocol engine "
                "('on', 'off')")
                "Enable FIPS-140 mode "
                "(`on', `off')")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(AllowEmptyFragments, FLAG,
                "Allow empty fragments "
                "(`on', `off')")
    SSL_CMD_ALL(CipherSuite, TAKE1,
                "Colon-delimited list of permitted SSL Ciphers "
                "('XXX:...:XXX' - see manual)")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(CertificateFile, TAKE1,
                "SSL Server Certificate file "
                "('/path/to/file' - PEM or DER encoded)")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(CertificateKeyFile, TAKE1,
                "SSL Server Private Key file "
                "('/path/to/file' - PEM or DER encoded)")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(CertificateChainFile, TAKE1,
                "SSL Server CA Certificate Chain file "
                "('/path/to/file' - PEM encoded)")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(SessionTicketKeyFile, TAKE1,
                "TLS session ticket encryption/decryption key file (RFC 5077) "
                "('/path/to/file' - file with 48 bytes of random data)")
    SSL_CMD_ALL(CACertificatePath, TAKE1,
                "SSL CA Certificate path "
                "('/path/to/dir' - contains PEM encoded files)")
    SSL_CMD_ALL(CACertificateFile, TAKE1,
                "SSL CA Certificate file "
                "('/path/to/file' - PEM encoded)")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(CADNRequestPath, TAKE1,
                "SSL CA Distinguished Name path "
                "('/path/to/dir' - symlink hashes to PEM of acceptable CA names to request)")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(CADNRequestFile, TAKE1,
                "SSL CA Distinguished Name file "
                "('/path/to/file' - PEM encoded to derive acceptable CA names to request)")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(CARevocationPath, TAKE1,
                "SSL CA Certificate Revocation List (CRL) path "
                "('/path/to/dir' - contains PEM encoded files)")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(CARevocationFile, TAKE1,
                "SSL CA Certificate Revocation List (CRL) file "
                "('/path/to/file' - PEM encoded)")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(CARevocationCheck, TAKE1,
                "SSL CA Certificate Revocation List (CRL) checking mode")
    SSL_CMD_ALL(VerifyClient, TAKE1,
                "SSL Client verify type "
                "('none', 'optional', 'require', 'optional_no_ca')")
    SSL_CMD_ALL(VerifyDepth, TAKE1,
                "SSL Client verify depth "
                "('N' - number of intermediate certificates)")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(SessionCacheTimeout, TAKE1,
                "SSL Session Cache object lifetime "
                "('N' - number of seconds)")
#ifdef HAVE_TLSV1_X
#define SSL_PROTOCOLS "SSLv3|TLSv1|TLSv1.1|TLSv1.2"
    SSL_CMD_SRV(Protocol, RAW_ARGS,
                "Enable or disable various SSL protocols "
                "('[+-][" SSL_PROTOCOLS "] ...' - see manual)")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(HonorCipherOrder, FLAG,
                "Use the server's cipher ordering preference")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(Compression, FLAG,
                "Enable SSL level compression "
                "(`on', `off')")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(SessionTickets, FLAG,
                "Enable or disable TLS session tickets"
                "(`on', `off')")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(InsecureRenegotiation, FLAG,
                "Enable support for insecure renegotiation")
    SSL_CMD_ALL(UserName, TAKE1,
                "Set user name to SSL variable value")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(StrictSNIVHostCheck, FLAG,
                "Strict SNI virtual host checking")

#ifdef HAVE_SRP
    SSL_CMD_SRV(SRPVerifierFile, TAKE1,
                "SRP verifier file "
                "('/path/to/file' - created by srptool)")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(SRPUnknownUserSeed, TAKE1,
                "SRP seed for unknown users (to avoid leaking a user's existence) "
                "('some secret text')")

     * Proxy configuration for remote SSL connections
    SSL_CMD_SRV(ProxyEngine, FLAG,
                "SSL switch for the proxy protocol engine "
                "('on', 'off')")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(ProxyProtocol, RAW_ARGS,
               "SSL Proxy: enable or disable SSL protocol flavors "
                "('[+-][" SSL_PROTOCOLS "] ...' - see manual)")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(ProxyCipherSuite, TAKE1,
               "SSL Proxy: colon-delimited list of permitted SSL ciphers "
               "('XXX:...:XXX' - see manual)")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(ProxyVerify, TAKE1,
               "SSL Proxy: whether to verify the remote certificate "
               "('on' or 'off')")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(ProxyVerifyDepth, TAKE1,
               "SSL Proxy: maximum certificate verification depth "
               "('N' - number of intermediate certificates)")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(ProxyCACertificateFile, TAKE1,
               "SSL Proxy: file containing server certificates "
               "('/path/to/file' - PEM encoded certificates)")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(ProxyCACertificatePath, TAKE1,
               "SSL Proxy: directory containing server certificates "
               "('/path/to/dir' - contains PEM encoded certificates)")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(ProxyCARevocationPath, TAKE1,
                "SSL Proxy: CA Certificate Revocation List (CRL) path "
                "('/path/to/dir' - contains PEM encoded files)")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(ProxyCARevocationFile, TAKE1,
                "SSL Proxy: CA Certificate Revocation List (CRL) file "
                "('/path/to/file' - PEM encoded)")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(ProxyCARevocationCheck, TAKE1,
                "SSL Proxy: CA Certificate Revocation List (CRL) checking mode")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(ProxyMachineCertificateFile, TAKE1,
               "SSL Proxy: file containing client certificates "
               "('/path/to/file' - PEM encoded certificates)")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(ProxyMachineCertificatePath, TAKE1,
               "SSL Proxy: directory containing client certificates "
               "('/path/to/dir' - contains PEM encoded certificates)")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(ProxyMachineCertificateChainFile, TAKE1,
               "SSL Proxy: file containing issuing certificates "
               "of the client certificate "
               "(`/path/to/file' - PEM encoded certificates)")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(ProxyCheckPeerExpire, FLAG,
                "SSL Proxy: check the peer certificate's expiration date")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(ProxyCheckPeerCN, FLAG,
                "SSL Proxy: check the peer certificate's CN")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(ProxyCheckPeerName, FLAG,
                "SSL Proxy: check the peer certificate's name "
                "(must be present in subjectAltName extension or CN")

     * Per-directory context configuration directives
               "Set one or more options to configure the SSL engine"
               "('[+-]option[=value] ...' - see manual)")
               "Require the SSL protocol for the per-directory context "
               "(no arguments)")
               "Require a boolean expression to evaluate to true for granting access"
               "(arbitrary complex boolean expression - see manual)")
    SSL_CMD_DIR(RenegBufferSize, AUTHCFG, TAKE1,
                "Configure the amount of memory that will be used for buffering the "
                "request body if a per-location SSL renegotiation is required due to "
                "changed access control requirements")

               "Enable use of OCSP to verify certificate revocation ('on', 'off')")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(OCSPDefaultResponder, TAKE1,
               "URL of the default OCSP Responder")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(OCSPOverrideResponder, FLAG,
               "Force use of the default responder URL ('on', 'off')")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(OCSPResponseTimeSkew, TAKE1,
                "Maximum time difference in OCSP responses")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(OCSPResponseMaxAge, TAKE1,
                "Maximum age of OCSP responses")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(OCSPResponderTimeout, TAKE1,
                "OCSP responder query timeout")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(OCSPUseRequestNonce, FLAG,
                "Whether OCSP queries use a nonce or not ('on', 'off')")

     * OCSP Stapling options
    SSL_CMD_SRV(StaplingCache, TAKE1,
                "SSL Stapling Response Cache storage "
    SSL_CMD_SRV(UseStapling, FLAG,
                "SSL switch for the OCSP Stapling protocol " "(`on', `off')")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(StaplingResponseTimeSkew, TAKE1,
                "SSL stapling option for maximum time difference in OCSP responses")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(StaplingResponderTimeout, TAKE1,
                "SSL stapling option for OCSP responder timeout")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(StaplingResponseMaxAge, TAKE1,
                "SSL stapling option for maximum age of OCSP responses")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(StaplingStandardCacheTimeout, TAKE1,
                "SSL stapling option for normal OCSP Response Cache Lifetime")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(StaplingReturnResponderErrors, FLAG,
                "SSL stapling switch to return Status Errors Back to Client"
                "(`on', `off')")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(StaplingFakeTryLater, FLAG,
                "SSL stapling switch to send tryLater response to client on error "
                "(`on', `off')")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(StaplingErrorCacheTimeout, TAKE1,
                "SSL stapling option for OCSP Response Error Cache Lifetime")
    SSL_CMD_SRV(StaplingForceURL, TAKE1,
                "SSL stapling option to Force the OCSP Stapling URL")

    SSL_CMD_SRV(OpenSSLConfCmd, TAKE2,
                "OpenSSL configuration command")

    /* Deprecated directives. */
    AP_INIT_RAW_ARGS("SSLLog", ap_set_deprecated, NULL, OR_ALL,
      "SSLLog directive is no longer supported - use ErrorLog."),
    AP_INIT_RAW_ARGS("SSLLogLevel", ap_set_deprecated, NULL, OR_ALL,
      "SSLLogLevel directive is no longer supported - use LogLevel."),


 *  the various processing hooks
static apr_status_t ssl_cleanup_pre_config(void *data)
     * Try to kill the internals of the SSL library.
    /* Corresponds to OPENSSL_load_builtin_modules():
     * XXX: borrowed from apps.h, but why not CONF_modules_free()
     * which also invokes CONF_modules_finish()?
    /* Corresponds to SSL_library_init: */

    /* Don't call ERR_free_strings in earlier versions, ERR_load_*_strings only
     * actually loaded the error strings once per process due to static
     * variable abuse in OpenSSL. */
#if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x00090805f)

    /* Also don't call CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data here; any registered
     * ex_data indices may have been cached in static variables in
     * OpenSSL; removing them may cause havoc.  Notably, with OpenSSL
     * versions >= 0.9.8f, COMP_CTX cleanups would not be run, which
     * could result in a per-connection memory leak (!). */

     * TODO: determine somewhere we can safely shove out diagnostics
     *       (when enabled) at this late stage in the game:
     * CRYPTO_mem_leaks_fp(stderr);
    return APR_SUCCESS;

static int ssl_hook_pre_config(apr_pool_t *pconf,
                               apr_pool_t *plog,
                               apr_pool_t *ptemp)
    /* We must register the library in full, to ensure our configuration
     * code can successfully test the SSL environment.

     * Let us cleanup the ssl library when the module is unloaded
    apr_pool_cleanup_register(pconf, NULL, ssl_cleanup_pre_config,

    /* Register us to handle mod_log_config %c/%x variables */

    /* Register to handle mod_status status page generation */

    /* Register mutex type names so they can be configured with Mutex */
    ap_mutex_register(pconf, SSL_CACHE_MUTEX_TYPE, NULL, APR_LOCK_DEFAULT, 0);
    ap_mutex_register(pconf, SSL_STAPLING_CACHE_MUTEX_TYPE, NULL,
                      APR_LOCK_DEFAULT, 0);
    ap_mutex_register(pconf, SSL_STAPLING_REFRESH_MUTEX_TYPE, NULL,
                      APR_LOCK_DEFAULT, 0);

    return OK;

static SSLConnRec *ssl_init_connection_ctx(conn_rec *c)
    SSLConnRec *sslconn = myConnConfig(c);

    if (sslconn) {
        return sslconn;

    sslconn = apr_pcalloc(c->pool, sizeof(*sslconn));

    sslconn->server = c->base_server;
    sslconn->verify_depth = UNSET;

    myConnConfigSet(c, sslconn);

    return sslconn;

int ssl_proxy_enable(conn_rec *c)
    SSLSrvConfigRec *sc;

    SSLConnRec *sslconn = ssl_init_connection_ctx(c);
    sc = mySrvConfig(sslconn->server);

    if (!sc->proxy_enabled) {
        ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, c, APLOGNO(01961)
                      "SSL Proxy requested for %s but not enabled "
                      "[Hint: SSLProxyEngine]", sc->vhost_id);

        return 0;

    sslconn->is_proxy = 1;
    sslconn->disabled = 0;

    return 1;

int ssl_engine_disable(conn_rec *c)
    SSLSrvConfigRec *sc;

    SSLConnRec *sslconn = myConnConfig(c);

    if (sslconn) {
        sc = mySrvConfig(sslconn->server);
    else {
        sc = mySrvConfig(c->base_server);
    if (sc->enabled == SSL_ENABLED_FALSE) {
        return 0;

    sslconn = ssl_init_connection_ctx(c);

    sslconn->disabled = 1;

    return 1;

int ssl_init_ssl_connection(conn_rec *c, request_rec *r)
    SSLSrvConfigRec *sc;
    SSL *ssl;
    SSLConnRec *sslconn = myConnConfig(c);
    char *vhost_md5;
    modssl_ctx_t *mctx;
    server_rec *server;

    if (!sslconn) {
        sslconn = ssl_init_connection_ctx(c);
    server = sslconn->server;
    sc = mySrvConfig(server);

     * Seed the Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG)
    ssl_rand_seed(server, c->pool, SSL_RSCTX_CONNECT, "");

    mctx = sslconn->is_proxy ? sc->proxy : sc->server;

     * Create a new SSL connection with the configured server SSL context and
     * attach this to the socket. Additionally we register this attachment
     * so we can detach later.
    if (!(ssl = SSL_new(mctx->ssl_ctx))) {
        ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, c, APLOGNO(01962)
                      "Unable to create a new SSL connection from the SSL "
        ssl_log_ssl_error(SSLLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, server);

        c->aborted = 1;

        return DECLINED; /* XXX */

    vhost_md5 = ap_md5_binary(c->pool, (unsigned char *)sc->vhost_id,

    if (!SSL_set_session_id_context(ssl, (unsigned char *)vhost_md5,
        ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, c, APLOGNO(01963)
                      "Unable to set session id context to '%s'", vhost_md5);
        ssl_log_ssl_error(SSLLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, server);

        c->aborted = 1;

        return DECLINED; /* XXX */

    SSL_set_app_data(ssl, c);
    SSL_set_app_data2(ssl, NULL); /* will be request_rec */

    sslconn->ssl = ssl;

    SSL_set_verify_result(ssl, X509_V_OK);

    ssl_io_filter_init(c, r, ssl);

    return APR_SUCCESS;

static const char *ssl_hook_http_scheme(const request_rec *r)
    SSLSrvConfigRec *sc = mySrvConfig(r->server);

    if (sc->enabled == SSL_ENABLED_FALSE || sc->enabled == SSL_ENABLED_OPTIONAL) {
        return NULL;

    return "https";

static apr_port_t ssl_hook_default_port(const request_rec *r)
    SSLSrvConfigRec *sc = mySrvConfig(r->server);

    if (sc->enabled == SSL_ENABLED_FALSE || sc->enabled == SSL_ENABLED_OPTIONAL) {
        return 0;

    return 443;

static int ssl_hook_pre_connection(conn_rec *c, void *csd)
    SSLSrvConfigRec *sc;
    SSLConnRec *sslconn = myConnConfig(c);

    if (sslconn) {
        sc = mySrvConfig(sslconn->server);
    else {
        sc = mySrvConfig(c->base_server);
     * Immediately stop processing if SSL is disabled for this connection
    if (!(sc && (sc->enabled == SSL_ENABLED_TRUE ||
                 (sslconn && sslconn->is_proxy))))
        return DECLINED;

     * Create SSL context
    if (!sslconn) {
        sslconn = ssl_init_connection_ctx(c);

    if (sslconn->disabled) {
        return DECLINED;

     * Remember the connection information for
     * later access inside callback functions

    ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_INFO, 0, c, APLOGNO(01964)
                  "Connection to child %ld established "
                  "(server %s)", c->id, sc->vhost_id);

    return ssl_init_ssl_connection(c, NULL);

 *  the module registration phase

static void ssl_register_hooks(apr_pool_t *p)
    /* ssl_hook_ReadReq needs to use the BrowserMatch settings so must
     * run after mod_setenvif's post_read_request hook. */
    static const char *pre_prr[] = { "mod_setenvif.c", NULL };


    ap_hook_pre_connection(ssl_hook_pre_connection,NULL,NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
    ap_hook_test_config   (ssl_hook_ConfigTest,    NULL,NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
    ap_hook_post_config   (ssl_init_Module,        NULL,NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
    ap_hook_http_scheme   (ssl_hook_http_scheme,   NULL,NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
    ap_hook_default_port  (ssl_hook_default_port,  NULL,NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
    ap_hook_pre_config    (ssl_hook_pre_config,    NULL,NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
    ap_hook_child_init    (ssl_init_Child,         NULL,NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
    ap_hook_check_authn   (ssl_hook_UserCheck,     NULL,NULL, APR_HOOK_FIRST,
    ap_hook_fixups        (ssl_hook_Fixup,         NULL,NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
    ap_hook_check_access  (ssl_hook_Access,        NULL,NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE,
    ap_hook_check_authz   (ssl_hook_Auth,          NULL,NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE,
    ap_hook_post_read_request(ssl_hook_ReadReq, pre_prr,NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);



    ap_register_auth_provider(p, AUTHZ_PROVIDER_GROUP, "ssl",

    ap_register_auth_provider(p, AUTHZ_PROVIDER_GROUP, "ssl-verify-client",


module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA ssl_module = {
    ssl_config_perdir_create,   /* create per-dir    config structures */
    ssl_config_perdir_merge,    /* merge  per-dir    config structures */
    ssl_config_server_create,   /* create per-server config structures */
    ssl_config_server_merge,    /* merge  per-server config structures */
    ssl_config_cmds,            /* table of configuration directives   */
    ssl_register_hooks          /* register hooks */