SUConstants.h   [plain text]

//  SUConstants.h
//  Sparkle
//  Created by Andy Matuschak on 3/16/06.
//  Copyright 2006 Andy Matuschak. All rights reserved.


extern NSString *const SUUpdaterWillRestartNotification;
extern NSString *const SUTechnicalErrorInformationKey;

extern NSString *const SUFeedURLKey;
extern NSString *const SUHasLaunchedBeforeKey;
extern NSString *const SUShowReleaseNotesKey;
extern NSString *const SUSkippedVersionKey;
extern NSString *const SUScheduledCheckIntervalKey;
extern NSString *const SULastCheckTimeKey;
extern NSString *const SUPublicDSAKeyKey;
extern NSString *const SUPublicDSAKeyFileKey;
extern NSString *const SUAutomaticallyUpdateKey;
extern NSString *const SUAllowsAutomaticUpdatesKey;
extern NSString *const SUEnableAutomaticChecksKey;
extern NSString *const SUEnableAutomaticChecksKeyOld;
extern NSString *const SUEnableSystemProfilingKey;
extern NSString *const SUSendProfileInfoKey;
extern NSString *const SULastProfileSubmitDateKey;

extern NSString *const SUSparkleErrorDomain;
// Appcast phase errors.
extern OSStatus SUAppcastParseError;
extern OSStatus SUNoUpdateError;
extern OSStatus SUAppcastError;
extern OSStatus SURunningFromDiskImageError;

// Downlaod phase errors.
extern OSStatus SUTemporaryDirectoryError;

// Extraction phase errors.
extern OSStatus SUUnarchivingError;
extern OSStatus SUSignatureError;

// Installation phase errors.
extern OSStatus SUFileCopyFailure;
extern OSStatus SUAuthenticationFailure;
extern OSStatus SUMissingUpdateError;
extern OSStatus SUMissingInstallerToolError;
extern OSStatus SURelaunchError;
extern OSStatus SUInstallationError;
extern OSStatus SUDowngradeError;

// NSInteger is a type that was added to Leopard.
// Here is some glue to ensure that NSInteger will work with pre-10.5 SDKs:
	#ifdef NS_BUILD_32_LIKE_64
		typedef long NSInteger;
		typedef unsigned long NSUInteger;
		typedef int NSInteger;
		typedef unsigned int NSUInteger;
	#define NSIntegerMax    LONG_MAX
	#define NSIntegerMin    LONG_MIN
	#define NSUIntegerMax   ULONG_MAX
