cairo_font_face_t Base class for font faces #cairo_font_face_t represents a particular font at a particular weight, slant, and other characteristic but no size, transformation, or size. Font faces are created using font-backend-specific constructors, typically of the form cairo_backend_font_face_create(), or implicitly using the toy text API by way of cairo_select_font_face(). The resulting face can be accessed using cairo_get_font_face(). #cairo_scaled_font_t @font_face: @Returns: @font_face: @font_face: @Returns: @CAIRO_FONT_TYPE_TOY: @CAIRO_FONT_TYPE_FT: @CAIRO_FONT_TYPE_WIN32: @CAIRO_FONT_TYPE_QUARTZ: @CAIRO_FONT_TYPE_USER: @font_face: @Returns: @font_face: @Returns: @font_face: @key: @user_data: @destroy: @Returns: @font_face: @key: @Returns: