# This file is part of the FreeType project. # # It builds the library and test programs for Microsoft Visual C++ 1.x # and Microsoft C/C++ v.7.0 compilers for 16-bit Windows, large model, # using QuickWin to display console outputs. # # You will need NMAKE. # # # Use this file while in the 'test' directory with the following statement: # # nmake /f arch\win16\Makefile.VC # # A DLL version of the library can be built and then used with # # nmake DLL=1 /f arch\win16\Makefile.VC dll # # (do not forget to define DLL, otherwise the link phase will fail). # # # Debug versions can be obtained with # # nmake DEBUG=1 /f arch\win16\Makefile.VC # # Special versions enabled to handle big fonts (with more than 16,384 # glyphs) can be obtained with # # nmake BIGFONTS=1 /f arch\win16\Makefile.VC ARCH = arch\win16 FT_MAKEFILE = $(ARCH)\Makefile.VC FT_MAKE = $(MAKE) /nologo FT_DLL = ft13_16.dll CC = cl /nologo LIBDIR = ..\lib INCDIRS = -I$(LIBDIR) -I$(LIBDIR)\$(ARCH) -I. -I$(LIBDIR)\extend # One can also consider using "set MSC_CMD_FLAGS=/Gr /Op- /Gy /YX". # With Microsoft C/C++ 7.0, use /G2 instead of /G3. !ifndef DEBUG CFLAGS = /Ox /AL /Za /W2 /G3 $(INCDIRS) LDFLAGS = /AL !else CFLAGS = /Zi /Ge /AL /Za /W2 /G3 $(INCDIRS) LDFLAGS = /Zi /AL !endif CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) /Mq LDFLAGS = $(LDFLAGS) /Mq !ifdef DLL CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) /DFREETYPE_DLL !endif # Windows graphic driver GDRIVER = $(ARCH)\gw_win16.c GSRC = display.c gmain.c blitter.c $(GDRIVER) GOBJ = $(GSRC:.c=.obj) SRC = arabic.c \ common.c \ ftdump.c \ fterror.c \ ftlint.c \ ftmetric.c \ ftsbit.c \ ftstring.c \ ftstrpnm.c \ ftstrtto.c \ fttimer.c \ ftview.c \ ftzoom.c OBJ = $(SRC:.c=.obj) .c.obj: @$(CC) /c /Fo$* @<< $(CFLAGS) $< << EXEFILES = ftdump.exe \ fterror.exe \ ftlint.exe \ ftmetric.exe \ ftsbit.exe \ ftstring.exe \ ftstrpnm.exe \ ftstrtto.exe \ fttimer.exe \ ftview.exe \ ftzoom.exe !ifndef DEBUG # Skiped if DEBUG build all: freetype $(EXEFILES) dll: the_dll $(EXEFILES) !else # Skipped if non-DEBUG build default_target: debug dll: the_debug_dll $(EXEFILES) !endif debug: freetype_debug $(EXEFILES) !ifdef BIGFONTS MAKEBIG = BIGFONTS=1 !endif freetype: cd $(LIBDIR) $(FT_MAKE) /f $(FT_MAKEFILE) $(MAKEBIG) all cd ..\test freetype_debug: cd $(LIBDIR) $(FT_MAKE) /f $(FT_MAKEFILE) DEBUG=1 $(MAKEBIG) debug cd ..\test the_dll: cd $(LIBDIR) $(FT_MAKE) /f $(FT_MAKEFILE) DLL=1 $(MAKEBIG) dll cd ..\test -copy $(LIBDIR)\$(FT_DLL) the_debug_dll: cd $(LIBDIR) $(FT_MAKE) /f $(FT_MAKEFILE) DEBUG=1 DLL=1 $(MAKEBIG) dll cd ..\test -copy $(LIBDIR)\$(FT_DLL) # C compilers are unable to include 16-bit in ANSI mode. # So we have a special rule for this file, to build it outside ANSI. $(GDRIVER:.c=.obj): @$(CC) /c /Fo$* @<< $(CFLAGS) /Ze $(GDRIVER) << .obj.exe: $(CC) /Fe$* @<< $(LDFLAGS) $** << ftzoom.exe: $(GOBJ) ftzoom.obj common.obj $(LIBDIR)\libttf.lib ftview.exe: $(GOBJ) ftview.obj common.obj $(LIBDIR)\libttf.lib ftstring.exe: $(GOBJ) ftstring.obj common.obj $(LIBDIR)\libttf.lib ftstrtto.exe: $(GOBJ) ftstrtto.obj common.obj arabic.obj $(LIBDIR)\libttf.lib fttimer.exe: $(GOBJ) fttimer.obj common.obj $(LIBDIR)\libttf.lib ftlint.exe: ftlint.obj common.obj $(LIBDIR)\libttf.lib ftdump.exe: ftdump.obj common.obj $(LIBDIR)\libttf.lib ftstrpnm.exe: ftstrpnm.obj common.obj $(LIBDIR)\libttf.lib ftsbit.exe: ftsbit.obj common.obj $(LIBDIR)\libttf.lib ftmetric.exe: ftmetric.obj common.obj $(LIBDIR)\libttf.lib fterror.exe: fterror.obj common.obj $(LIBDIR)\libttf.lib clean: do_clean cd $(LIBDIR) $(FT_MAKE) /f $(FT_MAKEFILE) clean cd ..\test distclean: do_clean cd $(LIBDIR) $(FT_MAKE) /f $(FT_MAKEFILE) distclean cd ..\test -del *.exe -del *.dll -del *.pdb do_clean: -del *.obj -del $(ARCH)\*.obj !include "$(ARCH)\depend.win" # end of Makefile.VC