# This file is part of the FreeType project. # # It builds the library and test programs for emx-gcc and djgpp under MSDOS. # # You will need dmake. # # Use this file while in the 'test' directory with the following statement: # # dmake -r -f arch/msdos/Makefile.dm ARCH = arch/msdos FT_MAKEFILE = $(ARCH)/Makefile.dm FT_MAKE = dmake -r .IMPORT: COMSPEC SHELL := $(COMSPEC) SHELLFLAGS := /c GROUPSHELL := $(SHELL) GROUPFLAGS := $(SHELLFLAGS) GROUPSUFFIX := .bat SHELLMETAS := *"?<>&| CC = gcc LIBDIR = ../lib LIBDIR_DOS = ..\lib INCDIRS = -I$(LIBDIR) -I$(LIBDIR)/$(ARCH) -I. -I$(LIBDIR)/extend CFLAGS = -Wall -ansi -O2 -g $(INCDIRS) # CFLAGS = -ansi -Wall -O2 -s $(INCDIRS) # full-screen MSDOS driver GDRIVER = $(ARCH)/gfs_dos.c SRC = arabic.c \ common.c \ ftdump.c \ fterror.c \ ftlint.c \ ftmetric.c \ ftsbit.c \ ftstring.c \ ftstrpnm.c \ ftstrtto.c \ fttimer.c \ ftview.c \ ftzoom.c GSRC = gmain.c display.c blitter.c $(GDRIVER) GOBJ = $(GSRC:.c=.o) %.o: %.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< %.exe: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ @$(mktmp $(&:t"\n")\n) EXEFILES = ftdump.exe \ fterror.exe \ ftlint.exe \ ftmetric.exe \ ftsbit.exe \ ftstring.exe \ ftstrpnm.exe \ ftstrtto.exe \ fttimer.exe \ ftview.exe \ ftzoom.exe .PHONY: all debug freetype freetype_debug \ clean distclean do_clean do_distclean depend all: freetype $(EXEFILES) debug: freetype_debug $(EXEFILES) freetype: [ cd $(LIBDIR_DOS) $(FT_MAKE) -f $(FT_MAKEFILE) all cd $(MAKEDIR) ] freetype_debug: [ cd $(LIBDIR_DOS) $(FT_MAKE) -f $(FT_MAKEFILE) debug cd $(MAKEDIR) ] ftzoom.exe: $(GOBJ) ftzoom.o common.o $(LIBDIR)/libttf.a ftview.exe: $(GOBJ) ftview.o common.o $(LIBDIR)/libttf.a ftlint.exe: ftlint.o common.o $(LIBDIR)/libttf.a ftdump.exe: ftdump.o common.o $(LIBDIR)/libttf.a ftstring.exe: $(GOBJ) ftstring.o common.o $(LIBDIR)/libttf.a fttimer.exe: $(GOBJ) fttimer.o common.o $(LIBDIR)/libttf.a ftstrpnm.exe: ftstrpnm.o common.o $(LIBDIR)/libttf.a ftsbit.exe: ftsbit.o common.o $(LIBDIR)/libttf.a ftmetric.exe: ftmetric.o common.o $(LIBDIR)/libttf.a ftstrtto.exe: $(GOBJ) ftstrtto.o common.o arabic.o $(LIBDIR)/libttf.a clean: do_clean [ cd $(LIBDIR_DOS) $(FT_MAKE) -f $(FT_MAKEFILE) clean cd $(MAKEDIR) ] distclean: do_clean do_distclean [ cd $(LIBDIR_DOS) $(FT_MAKE) -f $(FT_MAKEFILE) distclean cd $(MAKEDIR) ] do_distclean: -[ del dep.end del *.exe del core ] do_clean: -[ del *.o del $(ARCH)\gfs_dos.o ] #depend: $(SRC) $(GSRC) #[ # cd $(LIBDIR_DOS) # $(FT_MAKE) -f $(FT_MAKEFILE) depend # cd $(MAKEDIR) # $(CC) -E -M $(INCDIRS) @$(mktmp $(<:t"\n")\n) > dep.end #] # #ifeq (dep.end,$(wildcard dep.end)) # include dep.end #endif # end of Makefile.dm