hu   [plain text]

// Hungarian keyboard symbols for XKB and PC keyboard
// (C) 2002 Peter Soos <>
// Permission is granted to anyone to use, distribute and modify
// this file in any way, provided that the above copyright notice
// is left intact and the author of the modification summarizes
// the changes in this header.
// This file is distributed without any expressed or implied warranty.
// It describes the differences between a very simple US/ASCII keyboard
// layout and some widely used Hungarian keyboard layouts.
// Tested on Linux with XFree86 3.3.6
// $XFree86: xc/programs/xkbcomp/symbols/hu,v 1.8 2003/09/27 13:31:59 pascal Exp $

// Default layout
default partial
xkb_symbols "default" {
    include "hu(102_qwertz_comma)"

// Standard layout
xkb_symbols "standard" {
    include "hu(102_qwertz_comma)"

// Main layouts

// 101_qwertz_comma:
// Unicode based 101 key qwertz layout with decimal comma on keypad
// You have to set your locale settings (at least LC_CTYPE) to hu_HU.
xkb_symbols "101_qwertz_comma" {
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian";
    include "hu(def_uni)"
    include "hu(def_101)"
    include "hu(def_qwertz)"
    include "hu(def_comma)"
    include "hu(def_common)"

// 101_qwertz_dot:
// Unicode based 101 key qwertz layout with decimal dot on keypad
// You have to set your locale settings (at least LC_CTYPE) to hu_HU.
xkb_symbols "101_qwertz_dot" {
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian";
    include "hu(def_uni)"
    include "hu(def_101)"
    include "hu(def_qwertz)"
    include "hu(def_dot)"
    include "hu(def_common)"

// 101_qwerty_comma:
// Unicode based 101 key qwerty layout with decimal comma on keypad
// You have to set your locale settings (at least LC_CTYPE) to hu_HU.
xkb_symbols "101_qwerty_comma" {
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian";
    include "hu(def_uni)"
    include "hu(def_101)"
    include "hu(def_qwerty)"
    include "hu(def_comma)"
    include "hu(def_common)"

// 101_qwerty_dot:
// Unicode based 101 key qwerty layout with decimal dot on keypad
// You have to set your locale settings (at least LC_CTYPE) to hu_HU.
xkb_symbols "101_qwerty_dot" {
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian";
    include "hu(def_uni)"
    include "hu(def_101)"
    include "hu(def_qwerty)"
    include "hu(def_dot)"
    include "hu(def_common)"

// 102_qwertz_comma:
// Unicode based 102 key qwertz layout with decimal comma on keypad
// You have to set your locale settings (at least LC_CTYPE) to hu_HU.
xkb_symbols "102_qwertz_comma" {
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian";
    include "hu(def_uni)"
    include "hu(def_102)"
    include "hu(def_qwertz)"
    include "hu(def_comma)"
    include "hu(def_common)"

// 102_qwertz_dot:
// Unicode based 102 key qwertz layout with decimal dot on keypad
// You have to set your locale settings (at least LC_CTYPE) to hu_HU.
xkb_symbols "102_qwertz_dot" {
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian";
    include "hu(def_uni)"
    include "hu(def_102)"
    include "hu(def_qwertz)"
    include "hu(def_dot)"
    include "hu(def_common)"

// 102_qwerty_comma:
// Unicode based 102 key qwerty layout with decimal comma on keypad
// You have to set your locale settings (at least LC_CTYPE) to hu_HU.
xkb_symbols "102_qwerty_comma" {
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian";
    include "hu(def_uni)"
    include "hu(def_102)"
    include "hu(def_qwerty)"
    include "hu(def_comma)"
    include "hu(def_common)"

// 102_qwerty_dot:
// Unicode based 102 key qwerty layout with decimal dot on keypad
// You have to set your locale settings (at least LC_CTYPE) to hu_HU.
xkb_symbols "102_qwerty_dot" {
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian";
    include "hu(def_uni)"
    include "hu(def_102)"
    include "hu(def_qwerty)"
    include "hu(def_dot)"
    include "hu(def_common)"

// Partial layouts

// def_uni:
// Unicode based Hungarian keybaord.

hidden partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "def_uni" {

    key <AD07> {        [                u, U                ],
                        [         EuroSign                   ]       };
    key <AC02> {        [                s, S                ],
                        [          dstroke                   ]       };
    key <AC03> {        [                d, D                ],
                        [          Dstroke                   ]       };
    key <AC08> {        [                k, K                ],
                        [          lstroke                   ]       };
    key <AC09> {        [                l, L                ],
                        [          Lstroke                   ]       };
    key <AD11> {        [     odoubleacute, Odoubleacute     ],
                        [         division                   ]       };
    key <BKSL> {        [     udoubleacute, Udoubleacute     ],
                        [         currency                   ]       };

// def_102:
// The standard Hungarian 102 key layout

hidden partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "def_102" {
    key <TLDE> {        [                0, section          ],
                        [          notsign                   ]       };

// def_101:
// An alternative layout for 101 key keyboards

hidden partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "def_101" {
    key <TLDE> {        [           iacute, Iacute           ],
                        [                0, section          ]       };

// def_qwertz:
// The standard Hungaryan qwertz layout

hidden partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "def_qwertz" {
    key <AB01> {        [                y, Y                ],
                        [          greater                   ]       };
    key <AD06> {        [                z, Z                ]       };

// def_qwerty:
// The qwerty layout for people who familiar with the standard US layout

hidden partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "def_qwerty" {
    key <AB01> {        [                z, Z                ],
                        [          greater                   ]       };
    key <AD06> {        [                y, Y                ]       };

// def_comma:
// The Hungarian standard is the comma on the keypad not decimal dot
hidden partial keypad_keys
xkb_symbols "def_comma" {
   key  <KPDL> {        [        KP_Delete, KP_Separator     ]       };

// def_dot:
// The Hungarian standard is the comma on the keypad not decimal dot,
// but programmers hate it
hidden partial keypad_keys
xkb_symbols "def_dot" {
   key  <KPDL> {        [        KP_Delete, KP_Decimal       ]       };

// def_common:
// The common part of all Hungarian layout above
hidden partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "def_common" {

    // Alphanumeric section
    key <AE01> {        [                1, apostrophe       ],
                        [       asciitilde, dead_tilde       ]       };
    key <AE02> {        [                2, quotedbl         ],
                        [       dead_caron, caron            ]       };
    key <AE03> {        [                3, plus             ],
                        [      asciicircum, dead_circumflex  ]       };
    key <AE04> {        [                4, exclam           ],
                        [       dead_breve, breve            ]       };
    key <AE05> {        [                5, percent          ],
                        [   dead_abovering, degree           ]       };
    key <AE06> {        [                6, slash            ],
                        [      dead_ogonek, ogonek           ]       };
    key <AE07> {        [                7, equal            ],
                        [            grave, dead_grave       ]       };
    key <AE08> {        [                8, parenleft        ],
                        [    dead_abovedot, degree           ]       };
    key <AE09> {        [                9, parenright       ],
                        [       dead_acute, acute            ]       };
    key <AE10> {        [       odiaeresis, Odiaeresis       ],
                        [ dead_doubleacute, doubleacute      ]       };
    key <AE11> {        [       udiaeresis, Udiaeresis       ],
                        [   dead_diaeresis, diaeresis        ]       };
    key <AE12> {        [           oacute, Oacute           ],
                        [     dead_cedilla, cedilla          ]       };

    key <AD01> {        [                q, Q                ],
                        [        backslash                   ]       };
    key <AD02> {        [                w, W                ],
                        [              bar                   ]       };
    key <AD08> {        [                i, I                ],
                        [           Iacute                   ]       };
    key <AD12> {        [           uacute, Uacute           ],
                        [         multiply                   ]       };

    key <AC04> {        [                f, F                ],
                        [      bracketleft                   ]       };
    key <AC05> {        [                g, G                ],
                        [     bracketright                   ]       };
    key <AC07> {        [                j, J                ],
                        [           iacute                   ]       };
    key <AC10> {        [           eacute, Eacute           ],
                        [           dollar                   ]       };
    key <AC11> {        [           aacute, Aacute           ],
                        [           ssharp                   ]       };

    key <LSGT> {        [           iacute, Iacute           ],
                        [             less                   ]       };
    key <AB02> {        [                x, X                ],
                        [       numbersign                   ]       };
    key <AB03> {        [                c, C                ],
                        [        ampersand                   ]       };
    key <AB04> {        [                v, V                ],
                        [               at                   ]       };
    key <AB05> {        [                b, B                ],
                        [        braceleft                   ]       };
    key <AB06> {        [                n, N                ],
                        [       braceright                   ]       };
    key <AB07> {        [                m, M                ],
                        [             less                   ]       };
    key <AB08> {        [            comma, question         ],
                        [        semicolon                   ]       };
    key <AB09> {        [           period, colon            ],
                        [          greater                   ]       };
    key <AB10> {        [            minus, underscore       ],
                        [         asterisk                   ]       };
    key <RALT> {        [      Mode_switch, Multi_key        ]       };
    key <LALT> {        [            Alt_L, Meta_L           ]       };

    // End alphanumeric section

    // begin modifier mappings
    modifier_map Shift  { Shift_L };
    modifier_map Lock   { Caps_Lock };
    modifier_map Control{ Control_L };
    modifier_map Mod3   { Mode_switch };

xkb_symbols "Sundeadkeys" {
    include "hu(default)" // for consistent naming

xkb_symbols "sundeadkeys" {
    include "hu(Sundeadkeys)" // for consistent naming

xkb_symbols "nodeadkeys" {
    // modify the default Hungarian layout to not have any dead keys
    include "hu(default)"
    key <AE01> {        [                1, apostrophe       ],
                        [       asciitilde                   ]       };
    key <AE02> {        [                2, quotedbl         ],
                        [            caron                   ]       };
    key <AE03> {        [                3, plus             ],
                        [      asciicircum                   ]       };
    key <AE04> {        [                4, exclam           ],
                        [            breve                   ]       };
    key <AE05> {        [                5, percent          ],
                        [           degree                   ]       };
    key <AE06> {        [                6, slash            ],
                        [           ogonek                   ]       };
    key <AE07> {        [                7, equal            ],
                        [            grave                   ]       };
    key <AE08> {        [                8, parenleft        ],
                        [         abovedot                   ]       };
    key <AE09> {        [                9, parenright       ],
                        [            acute                   ]       };
    key <AE10> {        [       odiaeresis, Odiaeresis       ],
                        [      doubleacute                   ]       };
    key <AE11> {        [       udiaeresis, Udiaeresis       ],
                        [        diaeresis                   ]       };
    key <AE12> {        [           oacute, Oacute           ],
                        [          cedilla                   ]       };
