CURSOR.NOTES This file describes how to add hardware cursor support to a chipset driver. Though the cursor support itself is in the ramdac module, cursor management is separate from the rest of the module. 1) CURSOR INITIALIZATION AND SHUTDOWN All relevant prototypes and defines are in xf86Cursor.h. To initialize the cursor, the driver should allocate an xf86CursorInfoRec via xf86CreateCursorInfoRec(), fill it out as described later in this document and pass it to xf86InitCursor(). xf86InitCursor() must be called _after_ the software cursor initialization (usually miDCInitialize). When shutting down, the driver should free the xf86CursorInfoRec structure in its CloseScreen function via xf86DestroyCursorInfoRec(). 2) FILLING OUT THE xf86CursorInfoRec The driver informs the ramdac module of it's hardware cursor capablities by filling out an xf86CursorInfoRec structure and passing it to xf86InitCursor(). The xf86CursorInfoRec contains the following function pointers: /**** These functions are required ****/ void ShowCursor(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn) ShowCursor should display the current cursor. void HideCursor(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn) HideCursor should hide the current cursor. void SetCursorPosition(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int x, int y) Set the cursor position to (x,y). X and/or y may be negative indicating that the cursor image is partially offscreen on the left and/or top edges of the screen. It is up to the driver to trap for this and deal with that situation. void SetCursorColors(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int bg, int fg) Set the cursor foreground and background colors. In 8bpp, fg and bg are indicies into the current colormap unless the HARDWARE_CURSOR_TRUECOLOR_AT_8BPP flag is set. In that case and in all other bpps the fg and bg are in 8-8-8 RGB format. void LoadCursorImage(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, unsigned char *bits) LoadCursorImage is how the hardware cursor bits computed by the RealizeCursor function will be passed to the driver when the cursor shape needs to be changed. /**** These functions are optional ****/ unsigned char* RealizeCursor(xf86CursorInfoPtr infoPtr, CursorPtr pCurs) If RealizeCursor is not provided by the driver, one will be provided for you based on the Flags field described below. The driver must provide this function if the hardware cursor format is not one of the common ones supported by this module. Bool UseHWCursor(ScreenPtr pScreen, CursorPtr pCurs) If the driver is unable to use a hardware cursor for reasons other than the cursor being larger than the maximum specified in the MaxWidth or MaxHeight field below, it can supply the UseHWCursor function. If UseHWCursor is provided by the driver, it will be called whenever the cursor shape changes or the video mode changes. This is useful for when the hardware cursor cannot be used in interlaced or doublescan modes. /**** The following fields are required ****/ MaxWidth MaxHeight These indicate the largest sized cursor that can be a hardware cursor. It will fall back to a software cursor when a cursor exceeding this size needs to be used. Flags /* Color related flags */ HARDWARE_CURSOR_TRUECOLOR_AT_8BPP This indicates that the colors passed to the SetCursorColors function should not be in 8-8-8 RGB format in 8bpp but rather, they should be the pixel values from the current colormap. /* Cursor data loading flags */ HARDWARE_CURSOR_SHOW_TRANSPARENT The HideCursor entry will normally be called instead of displaying a completely transparent cursor, or when a switch to a software cursor needs to occur. This flag prevents this behaviour, thus causing the LoadCursorImage entry to be called with transparent cursor data. NOTE: If you use this flag and provide your own RealizeCursor() entry, ensure this entry returns transparent cursor data when called with a NULL pCurs parameter. HARDWARE_CURSOR_UPDATE_UNHIDDEN This flag prevents the HideCursor call that would normally occur just before the LoadCursorImage entry is to be called to load a new hardware cursor image. /* Cursor data packing flags */ Hardware cursor data consists of two pieces, a source and a mask. The mask is a bitmap indicating which parts of the cursor are transparent and which parts are drawn. The source is a bitmap indicating which parts of the non-transparent portion of the the cursor should be painted in the foreground color and which should be painted in the background color. HARDWARE_CURSOR_INVERT_MASK By default, set bits indicate the opaque part of the mask bitmap and clear bits indicate the transparent part. If your hardware wants this the opposite way, this flag will invert the mask. HARDWARE_CURSOR_SWAP_SOURCE_AND_MASK By default, RealizeCursor will store the source first and then the mask. If the hardware needs this order reversed then this flag should be set. HARDWARE_CURSOR_AND_SOURCE_WITH_MASK This flag will have the module logical AND the source with the mask to make sure there are no source bits set if the corresponding mask bits aren't set. Some hardware will not care if source bits are set where there are supposed to be transparent areas, but some hardware will interpret this as a third cursor color or similar. That type of hardware will need this flag set. HARDWARE_CURSOR_BIT_ORDER_MSBFIRST By default, it is assumed that the least significant bit in each byte corresponds to the leftmost pixel on the screen. If your hardware has this reversed you should set this flag. HARDWARE_CURSOR_NIBBLE_SWAPPED If your hardware requires byte swapping of the hardware cursor, enable this option. /* Source-Mask interleaving flags */ By default the source and mask data are inlined (source first unless the HARDWARE_CURSOR_SWAP_SOURCE_AND_MASK flag is set). Some hardware will require the source and mask to be interleaved, that is, X number of source bits should packed and then X number of mask bits repeating until the entire pattern is stored. The following flags describe the bit interleave. HARDWARE_CURSOR_SOURCE_MASK_NOT_INTERLEAVED This one is the default. The following are for interleaved cursors. HARDWARE_CURSOR_SOURCE_MASK_INTERLEAVE_1 HARDWARE_CURSOR_SOURCE_MASK_INTERLEAVE_8 HARDWARE_CURSOR_SOURCE_MASK_INTERLEAVE_16 HARDWARE_CURSOR_SOURCE_MASK_INTERLEAVE_32 HARDWARE_CURSOR_SOURCE_MASK_INTERLEAVE_64 And once again, if your hardware requires something different than these packing styles, your driver can supply its own RealizeCursor function. $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/ramdac/CURSOR.NOTES,v 1.5 2003/02/13 20:28:41 tsi Exp $