radeon.man   [plain text]

.\" $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/ati/radeon.man,v 1.9 2004/01/26 21:05:43 tsi Exp $
.ds q \N'34'
.TH RADEON __drivermansuffix__ __vendorversion__
radeon \- ATI RADEON video driver
.B "Section \*qDevice\*q"
.BI "  Identifier \*q"  devname \*q
.B  "  Driver \*qradeon\*q"
\ \ ...
.B EndSection
.B radeon
is a XFree86 driver for ATI RADEON based video cards.  It contains
full support for 8, 15, 16 and 24 bit pixel depths, dual-head setup,
flat panel, hardware 2D acceleration, hardware 3D acceleration
(except R300 and IGP series cards), hardware cursor, XV extension, Xinerama extension.
.B radeon
driver supports PCI and AGP video cards based on the following ATI chips
.TP 12
.B R100
Radeon 7200
.TP 12
.B RV100
Radeon 7000(VE), M6
.TP 12
.B RS100
Radeon IGP320(M) (2D only)
.TP 12
.B RV200
Radeon 7500, M7, FireGL 7800
.TP 12
.B RS200
Radeon IGP330(M)/IGP340(M) (2D only)
.TP 12
.B RS250
Radeon Mobility 7000 IGP (2D only)
.TP 12
.B R200
Radeon 8500, 9100, FireGL 8800/8700
.TP 12
.B RV250
Radeon 9000PRO/9000, M9
.TP 12
.B RS300
Radeon 9100 IGP (2D only)
.TP 12
.B RV280
Radeon 9200PRO/9200/9200SE, M9+
.TP 12
.B R300
Radeon 9700PRO/9700/9500PRO/9500/9600TX, FireGL X1/Z1 (2D only)
.TP 12
.B R350
Radeon 9800PRO/9800SE/9800, FireGL X2 (2D only)
.TP 12
.B R360
Radeon 9800XT (2d only)
.TP 12
.B RV350
Radeon 9600PRO/9600SE/9600, M10/M11, FireGL T2 (2D only)
.TP 12
.B RV360
Radeon 9600XT (2d only)

Please refer to XF86Config(__filemansuffix__) for general configuration
details.  This section only covers configuration details specific to this
The driver auto\-detects all device information necessary to initialize
the card.  However, if you have problems with auto\-detection, you can
.RS 4
VideoRam \- in kilobytes
MemBase  \- physical address of the linear framebuffer
IOBase   \- physical address of the MMIO registers
In addition, the following driver
.B Options
are supported:
.BI "Option \*qSWcursor\*q \*q" boolean \*q
Selects software cursor.  The default is
.B off.
.BI "Option \*qNoAccel\*q \*q" boolean \*q
Enables or disables all hardware acceleration.
The default is to
.B enable
hardware acceleration.
.BI "Option \*qDac6Bit\*q \*q" boolean \*q
Enables or disables the use of 6 bits per color component when in 8 bpp
mode (emulates VGA mode).  By default, all 8 bits per color component
are used.
The default is
.B off.
.BI "Option \*qVideoKey\*q \*q" integer \*q
This overrides the default pixel value for the YUV video overlay key.
The default value is
.B 0x1E.
.BI "Option \*qUseFBDev\*q \*q" boolean \*q
Enable or disable use of an OS\-specific framebuffer device interface
(which is not supported on all OSs).  See fbdevhw(__drivermansuffix__)
for further information.
The default is
.B off.
.BI "Option \*qAGPMode\*q \*q" integer \*q
Set AGP data transfer rate.
(used only when DRI is enabled)
1      \-\- x1 (default)
2      \-\- x2
4      \-\- x4
others \-\- invalid
.BI "Option \*qAGPFastWrite\*q \*q" boolean \*q
Enable AGP fast write.
(used only when DRI is enabled)
The default is
.B off.
.BI "Option \*qBusType\*q \*q" string \*q
Used to replace previous ForcePCIMode option.
Should only be used when driver's bus detection is incorrect
or you want to force a AGP card to PCI mode. Should NEVER force
a PCI card to AGP bus.
PCI    \-\- PCI bus
AGP    \-\- AGP bus
PCIE   \-\- PCI Express (falls back to PCI at present)
(used only when DRI is enabled)
The default is
.B auto detect.
.BI "Option \*qForcePCIMode\*q \*q" boolean \*q
Force to use PCI GART for DRI acceleration.
This option is deprecated in favor of the
.BI BusType
option above and will be removed in the next release.
.BI "Option \*qDDCMode\*q \*q" boolean \*q
Force to use the modes queried from the connected monitor.
The default is
.B off.
.BI "Option \*qDisplayPriority\*q \*q" string \*q
Used to prevent flickering or tearing problem caused by display buffer underflow.
AUTO   \-\- Driver calculated (default).
BIOS   \-\- Remain unchanged from BIOS setting.
          Use this if the calculation is not correct
          for your card.
HIGH   \-\- Force to the highest priority.
          Use this if you have problem with above options.
          This may affect performence slightly.
The default value is
.BI "Option \*qMonitorLayout\*q \*q" string \*q
This option is used to overwrite the detected monitor types.
This is only required when driver makes a false detection.
The possible monitor types are:
NONE   \-\- Not connected
CRT    \-\- Analog CRT monitor
TMDS   \-\- Desktop flat panel
LVDS   \-\- Laptop flat panel
This option can be used in following format:
Option "MonitorLayout" "[type on primary], [type on secondary]"
For example, Option "MonitorLayout" "CRT, TMDS"

Primary/Secondary head for dual\-head cards:
(when only one port is used, it will be treated as the primary regardless)
.B Primary head:
DVI port on DVI+VGA cards
LCD output on laptops
Internal TMDS prot on DVI+DVI cards
.B Secondary head:
VGA port on DVI+VGA cards
VGA port on laptops
External TMDS port on DVI+DVI cards

The default value is
.B undefined.
.BI "Option \*qCloneMode\*q \*q" "string" \*q
Set the first mode for the secondary head.
It can be different from the modes used for the primary head. If you don't
have this line while clone is on, the modes specified for the primary head
will be used for the secondary head.
For example, Option "CloneMode" "1024x768"
The default value is
.B undefined.
.BI "Option \*qCloneHSync\*q \*q" "string" \*q
Set the horizontal sync range for the secondary  monitor.
It is not required if a DDC\-capable monitor is connected.
For example, Option "CloneHSync" "30.0-86.0"
The default value is
.B undefined.
.BI "Option \*qCloneVRefresh\*q \*q" "string" \*q
Set the vertical refresh range for the secondary monitor.
It is not required if a DDC\-capable monitor is connected.
For example, Option "CloneVRefresh" "50.0-120.0"
The default value is
.B undefined.
.BI "Option \*qOverlayOnCRTC2\*q \*q" boolean \*q
Force hardware overlay to clone head.
The default value is
.B off.
.BI "Option \*qIgnoreEDID\*q \*q" boolean \*q
Do not use EDID data for mode validation, but DDC is still used
for monitor detection. This is different from NoDDC option.
The default value is
.B off.
.BI "Option \*qPanelSize\*q \*q" "string" \*q
Should only be used when driver cannot detect the correct panel size.
Apply to both desktop (TMDS) and laptop (LVDS) digital panels.
When a valid panel size is specified, the timings collected from
DDC and BIOS will not be used. If you have a panel with timings
different from that of a standard VESA mode, you have to provide
this information through the Modeline.
For example, Option "PanelSize" "1400x1050"
The default value is
.B none.
.BI "Option \*qPanelOff\*q \*q" boolean \*q
Disable panel output. Only used when clone is enabled.
The default value is
.B off.
.BI "Option \*qEnablePageFlip\*q \*q" boolean \*q
Enable page flipping for 3D acceleration. This will increase performance
but not work correctly in some rare cases, hence the default is
.B off.

.BI "Option \*qForceMinDotClock\*q \*q" frequency \*q
Override minimum dot clock. Some Radeon BIOSes report a minimum dot
clock unsuitable (too high) for use with television sets even when they
actually can produce lower dot clocks. If this is the case you can
override the value here.
.B Note that using this option may damage your hardware.
You have been warned. The
.B frequency
parameter may be specified as a float value with standard suffixes like
"k", "kHz", "M", "MHz".

XFree86(1), XF86Config(__filemansuffix__), xf86config(1), Xserver(1), X(__miscmansuffix__)
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