XKB-Enhancing.sgml   [plain text]

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<title>How to further enhance XKB configuration
<author>Kamil Toman, Ivan U. Pascal
<date>25 November 2002

$XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc/sgml/XKB-Enhancing.sgml,v 1.2 2003/02/25 19:31:02 dawes Exp $

This guide is aimed to relieve one's labour to create a new (internationalized)
keyboard layout. Unlike other documents this guide accents the keymap 
developer's point of view.



The developer of a new layout should read the xkb
protocol specification (<url url="http://www.x-docs.org/XKB/XKBproto.pdf"
name="The X Keyboard Extension: Protocol Specification">) at least
to clarify for himself some xkb-specific terms used in this document
and elsewhere in xkb configuration. Also it shows wise to understand
how the X server and a client digest their keyboard inputs 
(with and without xkb).
A useful source is also <url url="http://www.tsu.ru/~pascal/en/xkb" name="Ivan 
Pascal's text about xkb configuration"> often referenced throughout this 

Note that this document covers only enhancements which
are to be made to XFree86 version 4.3.x and above.

<sect>The Basics
At the startup (or at later at user's command) X server starts its xkb
keyboard module extension and reads data from a compiled configuration
This compiled configuration file is prepared by the program <tt>xkbcomp</tt>
which behaves altogether as an ordinary compiler (see <tt>man xkbcomp</tt>). 
Its input are human readable xkb configuration files which are verified and
then composed into a useful xkb configuration. Users don't need to mess with
<tt>xkbcomp</tt> themselves, for them it is invisible. Usually, it is started 
upon X server startup.
As you probably already know, the xkb configuration consists of five
main modules:
     Tables that defines translation from keyboard scan codes into reasonable
     symbolic names, maximum, minimum legal keycodes, symbolic aliases and
     description of physically present LED-indicators. The primary sence of 
     this component is to allow definitions of maps of symbols (see below) 
     to be independent of physical keyboard scancodes. There are two main 
     naming conventions for symbolic names (always four bytes long): 
       <item> names which express some traditional meaning like 
       <tt>&lt;SPCE&gt;</tt> (stands for space bar) or 
       <item> names which express some relative positioning on a keyboard, for 
       example <tt>&lt;AE01&gt;</tt> (an exclamation mark on US keyboards), on 
       the right there are keys <tt>&lt;AE02&gt;</tt>, <tt>&lt;AE03&gt;</tt> 

    Types describe how the produced key is changed by active modifiers (like
    Shift, Control, Alt, ...). There are several predefined types which
    cover most of used combinations.

    Compatibility component defines internal behaviour of modifiers. Using
    compat component you can assign various actions (elaborately described
    in xkb specification) to key events. This is also the place where
    LED-indicators behaviour is defined.

    For i18n purposes, this is the most important table. It defines what
    values (=symbols) are assigned to what keycodes (represented by their
    symbolic name, see above). There may be defined more than one value
    for each key and then it depends on a key type and on modifiers state
    (respective compat component) which value will be the resulting one.

    Geometry files aren't used by xkb itself but they may be used by some
    external programs to depict a keyboard image.
All these components have the files located in xkb configuration tree
in subdirectories with the same names (usually in <tt>/usr/lib/X11/xkb</tt>).

<sect>Enhancing XKB Configuration
Most of xkb enhancements concerns a need to define new output symbols
for the some input key events. In other words, a need to define a new
symbol map (for a new language, standard or just to feel more comfortable
when typing text).
What do you need to do? Generally, you have to define following things:
<item> the map of symbols itself
<item> the rules to allow users to select the new mapping
<item> the description of the new layout
First of all, it is good to go through existing layouts and to examine
them if there is something you could easily adjust to fit your needs.
Even if there is nothing similar you may get some ideas about basic
concepts and used tricks.
<sect1>Levels And Groups
Since XFree86 4.3.0 you can use <bf>multi-layout</bf> concept of xkb 
Though it is still in boundaries of xkb protocol and general ideas, the
keymap designer must obey new rules when creating new maps. In exchange
we get a more powerful and cleaner configuration system.
Remember that it is the application which must decide which symbol
matches which keycode according to effective modifier state. The X server
itself sends only an input event message to. Of course, usually
the general interpretation is processed by Xlib, Xaw, Motif, Qt, Gtk
and similar libraries. The X server only supplies its mapping table
(usually upon an application startup).
You can think of the X server's symbol table as of a irregular table where each
keycode has its row and where each combination of modifiers determines exactly
one column. The resulting cell then gives the proper symbolic value. Not all
keycodes need to bind different values for different combination of modifiers.
<tt>&lt;ENTER&gt;</tt> key, for instance, usually doesn't depend on any
modifiers so it its row has only one column defined.
Note that in XKB there is no prior assumption that certain modifiers are bound
to certain columns. By editing proper files (see <ref id="keytypes">) this 
mapping can be changed as well.
Unlike the original X protocol the XKB approach is far more
flexible. It is comfortable to add one additional XKB term - group. You can
think of a group as of a vector of columns per each keycode (naturally the
dimension of this vector may differ for different keycodes). What is it good
for? The group is not very useful unless you intend to use more than one
logically different set of symbols (like more than one alphabet) defined in a
single mapping table. But then, the group has a natural meaning - each symbol
set has its own group and changing it means selecting a different one.
XKB approach allows up to four different groups. The columns inside each group 
are called (shift) levels. The X server knows the current group and reports it 
together with modifier set and with a keycode in key events.
To sum it up:
<item> for each keycode XKB keyboard map contains up to four one-dimensional
   tables - groups (logically different symbol sets)
<item> for each group of a keycode XKB keyboard map contains some columns 
   - shift levels (values reached by combinations of Shift, Ctrl, Alt, ... 
<item> different keycodes can have different number of groups
<item> different groups of one keycode can have different number of shift levels
<item> the current group number is tracked by X server 
It is clear that if you sanely define levels, groups and sanely bind
modifiers and associated actions you can have simultaneously loaded up to
four different symbol sets where each of them would reside in its own group.
The multi-layout concept provides a facility to manipulate xkb groups
and symbol definitions in a way that allows almost arbitrary composition of 
predefined symbol tables. To keep it fully functional you have to:
<item> define all symbols only in the first group
<item> (re)define any modifiers with extra care to avoid strange (anisometric)
<sect>Defining New Layouts
  TODO: It may be better to merge IP01 docs and this guide.
See <url url="http://www.tsu.ru/~pascal/en/xkb/internals.html" name="Some Words 
About XKB internals"> for explanation of used xkb terms and problems
addressed by XKB extension.
See <url url="http://www.tsu.ru/~pascal/en/xkb/gram-common.html" name="Common 
notes about XKB configuration files language"> for more precise explanation of 
syntax of xkb configuration files.
<sect1>Predefined XKB Symbol Sets
If you are about to define some European symbol map extension, you might
want to use on of four predefined latin alphabet layouts.
    TODO: more details
    TODO: something similiar for phonetic layouts
    TODO: what are pc/pc layouts good for???
Okay, let's assume you want extend an existing keymap and you want to override
a few keys. Let's take a simple U.K. keyboard as an example (defined in 
partial default alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "basic" {
  include "pc/latin"

  name[Group1]="Great Britain";

  key <AE02>  { [         2,   quotedbl,  twosuperior,    oneeighth ] };
  key <AE03>  { [         3,   sterling, threesuperior,    sterling ] };
  key <AC11>  { [apostrophe,         at, dead_circumflex, dead_caron] };
  key <TLDE>  { [     grave,    notsign,          bar,          bar ] };
  key <BKSL>  { [numbersign, asciitilde,   dead_grave,   dead_breve ] };
  key <RALT>  { type[Group1]="TWO_LEVEL",
                [ ISO_Level3_Shift, Multi_key ]   };

  modifier_map Mod5   { <RALT> };
    TODO: ref IP01 file syntax TODO: some words about symbolic names like 
    'sterling' and also about
    TODO: unicode characters (for non-latin alphabets),
    TODO: ref to compatibility symbolic names vs. unicode
It defines a new layout in <tt>basic</tt> variant as an extension of common 
latin alphabet layout. The layout (symbol set) name is set to "Great Britain".
Then there are redefinitions of a few keycodes and a modifiers binding. As you 
can see the number of shift levels is the same for <tt>&lt;AE02&gt;</tt>, 
<tt>&lt;AE03&gt;</tt>, <tt>&lt;AC11&gt;</tt>, <tt>&lt;TLDE&gt;</tt> and 
<tt>&lt;BKSL&gt;</tt> keys but it differs from number of shift levels of 
Note that the <tt>&lt;RALT&gt;</tt> key itself is a binding key for Mod5 and 
that it
serves like a shift modifier for LevelThree, together with Shift
as a multi-key. It is a good habit to respect this rule in a new similar
Okay, you could now define more variants of your new layout besides
<tt>basic</tt> simply by including (augmenting/overriding/...) the basic 
definition and altering what may be needed.

<sect1>Key Types<label id="keytypes">

The differences in the number of columns (shift levels) are caused by 
a different types of keys (see the types definition in section basics).  Most 
keycodes have implicitly set the keytype in the included 
<tt>&dquot;pc/latin&dquot;</tt> file to 
<tt>&dquot;FOUR_LEVEL_ALPHABETIC&dquot;</tt>. The only exception is 
<tt>&lt;RALT&gt;</tt> keycode which is explicitly set 
<tt>&dquot;TWO_LEVEL&dquot;</tt> keytype.
All those names refer to pre-defined shift level schemes. Usually you can
choose a suitable shift level scheme from <tt>default</tt> types scheme list
in proper xkb component's subdirectory. 
The most used schemes are:
   The key does not depend on any modifiers. The symbol from first level
   is always chosen.

   The key uses a modifier Shift and may have two possible values.
   The second level may be chosen by Shift modifier. If Lock modifier
   (usually Caps-lock) applies the symbol is further processed using
   system-specific capitalization rules. If both Shift+Lock modifier apply the
   symbol from the second level is taken and capitalization rules are applied
   (and usually have no effect).
   The key uses modifiers Shift and Lock. It may have two possible
   values. The second level may be chosen by Shift modifier. When Lock
   modifier applies, the symbol from the first level is taken and further
   processed using system-specific capitalization rules. If both Shift+Lock
   modifier apply the symbol from the first level is taken and no
   capitalization rules applied. This is often called shift-cancels-caps

   Is the same as TWO_LEVEL but it considers an extra modifier -
   LevelThree which can be used to gain the symbol value from the third
   level. If both Shift+LevelThree modifiers apply the value from the third
   level is also taken. As in TWO_LEVEL, the Lock modifier doesn't influence
   the resulting level. Only Shift and LevelThree are taken into that
   consideration. If the Lock modifier is active capitalization rules
   are applied on the resulting symbol.
   Is the same as THREE_LEVEL but unlike LEVEL_THREE if both Shift+LevelThree
   modifiers apply the symbol is taken from the fourth level.

   Is similar to FOUR_LEVEL but also defines shift-cancels-caps behaviour
   as in ALPHABETIC. If Lock+LevelThree apply the symbol from the
   third level is taken and the capitalization rules are applied.
   If Lock+Shift+LevelThree apply the symbol from the third level is taken
   and no capitalization rules are applied.
   As the name suggest this scheme is primarily used for numeric keypads.
   The scheme considers two modifiers - Shift and NumLock. If none
   of modifiers applies the symbol from the first level is taken. If either 
   Shift or NumLock modifiers apply the symbol from the second level is taken.
   If both Shift+NumLock modifiers apply the symbol from the first level
   is taken. Again, shift-cancels-caps variant.
   Is similar to KEYPAD scheme but considers also LevelThree modifier.
   If LevelThree modifier applies the symbol from the third level is taken.
   If Shift+LevelThree or NumLock+LevelThree apply the symbol from the fourth
   level is taken. If all Shift+NumLock+LevelThree modifiers apply the symbol
   from the third level is taken. This also, shift-cancels-caps variant.
Besides that, there are several schemes for special purposes:
    It is similar to TWO_LEVEL scheme but it considers the Control
    modifier rather than Shift. That means, the symbol from the second level
    is chosen by Control rather than by Shift.
    It is similar to TWO_LEVEL scheme but it considers the Alt modifier rather 
    than Shift. That means, the symbol from the second level
    is chosen by Alt rather than by Shift.
    The key uses modifiers Alt and Control. It may have two possible
    values. If only one modifier (Alt or Control) applies the symbol
    from the first level is chosen. Only if both Alt+Control modifiers apply
    the symbol from the second level is chosen.
    The key uses modifiers Shift and Alt. It may have two possible values.
    If only one modifier (Alt or Shift) applies the symbol
    from the first level is chosen. Only if both Alt+Shift modifiers apply
    the symbol from the second level is chosen.
If needed, special <tt>caps</tt> schemes may be used. They redefine the 
standard behaviour of all <tt>*ALPHABETIC</tt> types. The layouts (maps of 
symbols) with keys defined in respective types then automatically change
their behaviour accordingly. Possible redefinitions are:
None of these schemes should be used directly. They are defined merely
for <tt>'caps:'</tt> xkb options (used to globally change the layouts 
Don't alter any of existing key types. If you need a different behaviour
create a new one.

<sect2>More On Definitions Of Types
When the XKB software deals with a separate type description it gets
a complete list of modifiers that should be taken into account from the 
<tt>'modifiers=&lt;list of modifiers&gt;'</tt> list and expects that a set
of <tt>'map[&lt;combination of modifiers&gt;]=&lt;list of modifiers&gt;'</tt>
instructions that contain the mapping for each combination of modifiers 
mentioned in that list. Modifiers that are not explicitly listed are NOT taken 
into account
when the resulting shift level is computed.
If some combination is omitted the program (subroutine) should choose the first
level for this combination (a quite reasonable behavior).
Lets consider an example with two modifiers <tt>ModOne</tt> and <tt>ModTwo</tt>:
type "..." {
    modifiers = ModOne+ModTwo;
    map[None] = Level1;
    map[ModOne] = Level2;
In this case the map statements for <tt>ModTwo</tt> only and 
<tt>ModOne+ModTwo</tt> are omitted.  It means that if the <tt>ModTwo</tt> is 
active the subroutine can't found explicit mapping for such combination an will 
use the <em>default level</em> i.e. Level1.
But in the case the type described as:
type "..." {
    modifiers = ModOne;
    map[None] = Level1;
    map[ModOne] = Level2;
the ModTwo will not be taken into account and the resulting level depends on 
the ModOne state only. That means, ModTwo alone produces the Level1 but the 
combination ModOne+ModTwo produces the Level2 as well as ModOne alone.
What does it mean if the second modifier is the Lock? It means that in
the first case (the Lock itself is included in the list of modifiers but 
combinations with this modifier aren't mentioned in the map statements) 
the internal capitalization rules will be applied to the symbol from the first 
level. But in the second case the capitalization will be applied to the symbol
chosen accordingly to he first modifier - and this can be the symbol from the
first as well as from the second level.
Usually, all modifiers introduced in <tt>'modifiers=&lt;list of 
modifiers&gt;'</tt> list are used for shift level calculation and then 
discarded. Sometimes this is not desirable. If you want to use a modifier
for shift level calculation but you don't want to discard it, you may
list in '<tt>preserve[&lt;combination of modifiers&gt;]=&lt;list of 
modifiers&gt;'</tt>. That means, for a given combination all listed modifiers
will be preserved. If the Lock modifier is preserved then the resulting
symbol is passed to internal capitalization routine regardless whether
it has been used for a shift level calculation or not.
Any key type description can use both real and virtual modifiers. Since real 
modifiers always have standard names it is not necessary to explicitly declare  
them. Virtual modifiers can have arbitrary names and can be declared (prior
using them) directly in key type definition:
virtual_modifiers &lt;comma-separated list of modifiers&gt;  ;
as seen in for example <tt>basic</tt>, <tt>pc</tt> or <tt>mousekeys</tt> key 
type definitions.

Once you are finished with your symbol map you need to add it
to rules file. The rules file describes how all the
five basic keycodes, types, compat, symbols and geometry components
should be composed to give a sensible resulting xkb configuration.
The main advantage of rules over formerly used keymaps is a possibility
to simply parameterize (once) fixed patterns of configurations and thus
to elegantly allow substitutions of various local configurations
into predefined templates.
A pattern in a rules file (often located in 
<tt>/usr/lib/X11/xkb/rules</tt>) can be parameterized with four other arguments:
<tt>Model</tt>, <tt>Layout</tt>, <tt>Variant</tt> and <tt>Options</tt>.
For most cases parameters <tt>model</tt> and <tt>layout</tt> should
be sufficient for choosing a functional keyboard mapping.
The rules file itself is composed of pattern lines and lines with rules. The pattern line starts with an exclamation mark ('<tt>!</tt>') 
and describes how will the xkb interpret the following lines (rules). A sample 
rules file looks like this:
! model 	                =	keycodes
  macintosh_old	                =	macintosh
  *		                =	xfree86
! model		                =	symbols
  hp		                =	+inet(&percnt;m)
  microsoftpro	                =	+inet(&percnt;m)
  geniuscomfy	                =	+inet(&percnt;m)

! model	    layout[1]	        =	symbols
  macintosh	us	        =	macintosh/us&percnt;(v[1])
  *             *               =       pc/pc(&percnt;m)+pc/&percnt;l[1]&percnt;(v[1])
! model     layout[2]	        =	symbols
  macintosh     us              =	+macintosh/us[2]&percnt;(v[2]):2
  *		*               =	+pc/&percnt;l[2]&percnt;(v[2]):2
! option			=	types
  caps:internal			=	+caps(internal)
  caps:internal_nocancel	=	+caps(internal_nocancel)

Each rule defines what certain combination of values on the left side
of equal sign ('<tt>=</tt>') results in. For example a (keyboard) model 
<tt>macintosh_old</tt> instructs xkb to take definitions of keycodes
from file <tt>keycodes/macintosh</tt> while the rest of models
(represented by a wild card '<tt>*</tt>') instructs it to take them from
file <tt>keycodes/xfree86</tt>. The wild card represents all possible
values on the left side which were not found in any of the previous rules.
The more specialized (more complete) rules have higher precedence than general 
ones, i.e. the more general rules supply reasonable default values.
As you can see some lines contain substitution parameters - the parameters 
preceded by the percent sign ('<tt>&percnt;</tt>'). The first alphabetical character 
after the percent sign expands to the value which has been found on the left 
side. For example <tt>+&percnt;l&percnt;(v)</tt> expands into <tt>+cz(bksl)</tt> if the 
respective values on the left side were <tt>cz</tt> layout in its <tt>bksl</tt> 
variant. More, if the layout resp. variant  parameter is followed by a pair of 
brackets ('<tt>[</tt>', '<tt>]</tt>') it means that xkb should <em>place the 
layout resp. variant into specified xkb group</em>. If the brackets are omitted
the first group is the default value.
So the second block of rules enhances symbol definitions for some particular 
keyboard models with extra keys (for internet, multimedia, ...) . Other models 
are left intact. Similarly, the last block overrides some key type definitions,
so the common global behaviour ''shift cancels caps'' or ''shift doesn't cancel 
caps'' can be selected. The rest of rules produces special symbols for each 
variant <tt>us</tt> layout of <tt>macintosh</tt> keyboard and standard pc 
symbols in appropriate variants as a default. 

  TODO: more words about group switching (XkbOptions grp:...)?

    TODO: user & 3rd party xkb tree?
    TODO: better and more complex explanation of rules

<sect1>Descriptive Files of Rules
Now you just need to add a detailed description to <tt>&lt;rules&gt;.xml</tt> 
description file so the other users (and external programs which often parse 
this file) know what is your work about.

    TODO: format and semantics

<sect2>Old Descriptive Files
The formerly used descriptive files were named <tt>&lt;rules&gt;.lst</tt>
Its structure is very simple and quite self descriptive but such simplicity
had also some cavities, for example there was no way how to describe local 
variants of layouts and there were problems with the localization of 
descriptions. To preserve compatibility with some older programs,
new XML descriptive files can be converted to old format '.lst'.
For each parameter of rules file should be described its meaning. For the rules 
file described above the <tt>.lst</tt> file could look like:
! model
  pc104		Generic 104-key PC
  microsoft	Microsoft Natural
  pc98		PC-98xx Series
  macintosh     Original Macintosh

! layout
  us		U.S. English
  cz		Czech
  de		German

! option
  caps:internal		 uses internal capitalization. Shift cancels Caps
  caps:internal_nocancel uses internal capitalization. Shift doesn't cancel Caps  
And that should be it. Enjoy creating your own xkb mapping.
