CODING   [plain text]

 $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc/CODING,v 3.6 1996/12/23 06:44:38 dawes Exp $
 GNU indent options:

-bad -bap -c40 -cd0 -ncdb -ci4 -cli0 -cp0 -ncs -d0
-di4 -i4 -ip4 -l78 -nlp -npcs -psl -sob -ss -br -ce -sc

-bad  forces a blank line after every block of declarations.
-bap  forces a blank line after every procedure body.
-c40  put comments to the right of code in column 40
-cd0  put comments immediately to the right of the declarations.
-ncdb do not put comment delimiters on blank lines
-ci4  continuation indent of 4 spaces.
-cli0 case label indent of 0 spaces
-cp0  put comments immediately to the right of `#else' and `#endif' statements
-ncs  do not put a space after cast operators
-d0   set indentation of comments not to the right of code to 0 spaces
-di4  put variables in column 4
-i4   set indentation level to 4 spaces
-ip4  indent parameter types in old-style function definitions by 4 spaces
-l78  set maximum line length to 78
-nlp  don't line up continued lines at parentheses
-npcs do not put space after the function in function calls
-psl  put the type of a procedure on the line before its name
-sob  swallow optional blank lines
-ss   on one-line `for' and `while' statments, force a blank before the semicolo
-ce   cuddle else and preceeding `}'
-sc   put the `*' character at the left of comments
-br   formats braces like this:

                 if (x > 0) {

$XConsortium: CODING /main/2 1996/02/21 17:41:28 kaleb $