Makefile.icc   [plain text]

# This file is part of the FreeType project.
# It builds the library and test programs for IBM VisualAge C++ under OS/2.
# You will need nmake.
# Use this file while in the lib directory with the following statement:
#   nmake -f arch\os2\Makefile.icc

ARCH = arch\os2
FT_MAKEFILE = $(ARCH)\Makefile.icc
FT_MAKE = $(MAKE) -nologo

CC = icc        
CFLAGS = -O+ -Ti- -Tm- -Sa -W3 -Wpro- -Wcnd- -Q+ -Iarch\os2 -I. -Iextend

# NOTE: Optimizations are discarded, as it seems that Visual Age
#       is buggy when producing ttraster.obj.  The resulting code
#       crashes under some circumstances (performing vertical dropout
#       control when rendering smoothed outlines)!

TTFILE = $(ARCH)\os2file.c
TTMEMORY = .\ttmemory.c
TTMUTEX = .\ttmutex.c


SRC_X = extend\ftxgasp.c extend\ftxkern.c  extend\ftxpost.c \
        extend\ftxcmap.c extend\ftxwidth.c extend\ftxsbit.c \
        extend\ftxgsub.c extend\ftxgpos.c  extend\ftxopen.c \
OBJS_X = $(SRC_X:.c=.obj)

SRC_M = ttapi.c     ttcache.c   ttcalc.c  ttcmap.c  ttdebug.c  \
        ttgload.c   ttinterp.c  ttload.c  ttobjs.c  ttraster.c \
        ttextend.c  $(PORT)
OBJS_M = $(SRC_M:.c=.obj) $(OBJS_X)

SRC_S = $(ARCH)\freetype.c
OBJ_S = $(SRC_S:.c=.obj)

  $(FT_MAKE) -f $(FT_MAKEFILE) LIB_FILES="$(OBJS_S)" libttf.lib

  $(FT_MAKE) -f $(FT_MAKEFILE) LIB_FILES="$(OBJS_M)" libttf.lib

$(OBJ_S): $(SRC_S) $(SRC_M)
  $(CC) -C $(CFLAGS) /Fo$@ $*.c

  $(CC) -C $(CFLAGS) /Fo$@ $*.c

  $(CC) -C $(CFLAGS) /Fo$@ $*.c

libttf.lib: $(LIB_FILES)
  !ilib /nologo /noignorecase /nobackup $@ +$?,,

  -del *.obj
  -del extend\*.obj
  -del arch\os2\*.obj

distclean: clean
  -del libttf.lib

# end of Makefile.icc