# This file is part of the FreeType project. # # It builds the library and test programs for emx-gcc under OS/2. # # You will need GNU make. # # Use this file while in the lib directory with the following statement: # # make -f arch/os2/Makefile.emx ARCH = arch/os2 FT_MAKEFILE = $(ARCH)/Makefile.emx CC = gcc #CFLAGS = -W -Wall -O0 -g -ansi -pedantic -I$(ARCH) -I. -Iextend CFLAGS = -Wall -O3 -fno-inline -fomit-frame-pointer \ -g -ansi -pedantic -I$(ARCH) -I. -Iextend #CFLAGS = -Wall -ansi -pedantic -O2 -s -I$(ARCH) -I. -Iextend TTFILE = $(ARCH)/os2file.c TTMEMORY = ./ttmemory.c TTMUTEX = ./ttmutex.c PORT = $(TTFILE) $(TTMEMORY) $(TTMUTEX) SRC_X = extend/ftxgasp.c extend/ftxkern.c extend/ftxpost.c \ extend/ftxcmap.c extend/ftxwidth.c extend/ftxsbit.c \ extend/ftxgsub.c extend/ftxgpos.c extend/ftxopen.c \ extend/ftxgdef.c OBJS_X = $(SRC_X:.c=.o) SRC_M = ttapi.c ttcache.c ttcalc.c ttcmap.c ttdebug.c \ ttgload.c ttinterp.c ttload.c ttobjs.c \ ttraster.c ttextend.c $(PORT) OBJS_M = $(SRC_M:.c=.o) $(OBJS_X) SRC_S = $(ARCH)/freetype.c OBJ_S = $(SRC_S:.c=.o) OBJS_S = $(OBJ_S) $(OBJS_X) SRCD_S = $(ARCH)/freetypd.c OBJD_S = $(SRCD_S:.c=.o) OBJDS_S = $(OBJD_S) $(OBJS_X) %.o: %.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< .PHONY: all debug clean distclean depend all: $(MAKE) -f $(FT_MAKEFILE) LIB_FILES=OBJS_S libttf.a debug: $(MAKE) -f $(FT_MAKEFILE) LIB_FILES=OBJS_M libttf.a debugger: $(MAKE) -f $(FT_MAKEFILE) LIB_FILES=OBJDS_S libttfd.a $(OBJ_S): $(SRC_S) $(SRC_M) $(OBJD_S): $(SRCD_S) $(SRC_M) libttf.a: $($(LIB_FILES)) -del $@ ar src $@ $^ libttfd.a: $(OBJDS) libttfd.a: $(OBJDS) -del $@ ar src $@ $^ clean: -del $(subst /,\,$(OBJS_S)) -del $(subst /,\,$(OBJS_M)) distclean: clean -del dep.end -del libttf.a depend: $(SRC_S) $(SRC_M) $(SRC_X) $(CC) -E -M $^ > dep.end ifeq (dep.end,$(wildcard dep.end)) include dep.end endif # end of Makefile.emx